
Yeah, watch Geoff Keighley make a cringeworthy appearance. 

Warframe player here. I wouldn’t say she was a buddy, but we played together for a while. She was more of a parasite than anything else. Only wanted help farming her shit! When the time came for her to help anyone else, she always had something to do or claimed her connection dropped. I just stopped talking to her

Shut it down! Needs no explanation.

And here I though this was just going to be a minor update to the first one. I wasn’t going to purchase this but now I’m actually in. Bravo Nintendo! You really know how to put your hands in people’s wallets.

I honestly want to play this game but have no desire to play it on my 3DS. I’d love it if there was a Switch port. If it doesn’t come on Switch(would be stupid not to ever after the movie’s success) I’ll just have to get it used or something. Looks quite fun.

I’m going to be totally childish about this.....

I’ve never played Destiny & I’m not saying that it is or isn’t a Destiny killer, but you definitely need to put more than 5 hours in the game to start appreciating it. Take it from someone who only recently started playing because it was released on Switch. It still might not be your cuppa once it’s all said and done;

You lot are way too patient with this unfinished game. If I had bought it and had this much problem, I’d request a refund immediately. Although, some of you are to be blamed for shit like this when you seemingly accept that Bethesda makes buggy games. I wouldn’t give them a shilling until everything is ironed out.

I’m pretty certain he’s there in a much larger capacity than that. Last time they took the hands off approach, you saw what happened with that wretched Super Mario movie. That was the very reason why they’ve since been so guarded with their IP. I’m not saying he’s directing it, but trust me, his role is a more

Thanks for the info. I did not know it was already it on other platforms.

All manner of thanks, mate. 

If it’s anything like Binding of Isaac, I’d do well to pass it up. I bought that game and returned it the next day. 

I don’t mind difficult. I was just never into those random dungeons or levels. Thanks for the info. 

I’m kind of interested in this game but I have no idea what “rogue-lite” means. If it’s anything close to Procedurally Generated Levels, they can keep it.

Welcome back old dog. I thought Gita took your job & refused to give it back. Was about to riot about why we can’t have both of you. Joking aside, nice to have you back, mate. Vive La Fahey.

Is there a Switch version in the works? I feel like the Switch would be a fantastic home for this game. 

I’m going to go out on a limb and say we’ll get a Metroid Prime remaster until Prime 4 get a release.

I check the hyper link that said most of them sucked before finishing the article. I saw the Shenrons and thought, wow, you think those suck? Then I finished the article. Hands down, those are the only ones I’d buy. They also trump Khameleon’s custom ones.

Lacklustre? You do realise that not everyone wants that clunky contraption you’re talking about, yeah? It’s for “TABLETOP” mode, not hang it wherever the fuck you please mode.