
What camera are you speaking about? There’s a “Home” button on the right Joy Con. No one seems to know what the other one is. Possibly a “Share” button, I suspect.

Here we go again! The worse part of this is that someone, somewhere, right now is working on a title using or infringing on Nintendo’s IP and their naivety would have them believe this will be the one that slip through the cracks. I got news for you....Stop It! It’s going to get derailed like many others before it. As

Like it or not, believe it or not as you will. If you were in Atlanta, I’d ask you to take a trip to Kennesaw Mountain which Bulbasaur is the landlord. Have fun with that. As for those Pidgey, I throw nothing but curveballs....they still break out, fly up & knock it away. I’ve also heard a piss pot load of people

No you weren’t.

Yeah, good on you! I have two 10k eggs right now and I’m hoping it’s in one of those.

What make matters worse is that Pidgey has become useful for levelling up and Niantic catch on quick. Those once, easy to catch turds are having you waste so many Pokeballs, it’s infuriating. I won’t even get into a discussion about the starters....especially Bulbasaur!

I am forever curious how they’ll handle the Legendary & Mythical roll out. I’d imagine they need to have that under control because if it’s anything such as this, we’re in for one chaotic event!

Quite. Because you acquired one from an egg doesn’t negate its rarity. You my friend were lucky. It’s rarity constitutes its spawn rate. I’ve yet to get one from an egg and have never seen or heard of one spawning in the wild here in Atlanta.

That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Instead of advocating for more security measures in the park, you’re telling people they’re stupid for being in a public space & minding their own business. Doesn’t matter what time it is, mate, the guy was well within his rights to be there.

Silicon Knights, Rare & these guys all had something in common....Nintendo. Although this is their first game and I may be jumping the gun a bit, not one of them held up to their former glory after they left. What does that tell you? I won’t subscribe to any argument that most of Rare developers left. They put forth

I believe they laid off some people in London as well. Specifically working on VR stuff. I read that first before I saw this and bought into their reason. After seeing this....not so much.

Butthurt? The only person around here that seems butthurt is you, mate. Watching 8hrs of 1% of any game isn’t enough to draw any conclusions, let alone an unfinished game. If that’s such a valid excuse, I suppose all media outlets should do a review of the game right now. Those “collective 8 hours” that you’ve drawn

So, you’ve played it, then?

That’s exactly the matter! You’re using another person’s label to help your merchandise gain notoriety. Whether it’s for profit or for free. Whether it’s homage or some nefarious deeds. The moment you start such a project without permission from the IP holder, you know good and well there’s a possibility that this

For instance, I caught this guy in the wild but I won't trade a grain of dust on him because he's not a 90+ IV. Also I won't use Stardust on Pokemon I have no intention of battling with.

I try to hold on to it and not waste it on useless Pokémon. No point in powering up something I can actually catch at a decent level later on.

Watch people get mad about this and start throwing virtual shit at Nintendo for protecting their intellectual property. The same people that want to play their games but don't want to buy their console to do so. Let's hear your excuses why......

I bet you have Charmander or it’s evolution in some form. So cheers to us being pissed about one or the other. Dratini shows up by the lake in my complex.

It also seems like way better Pokemon are popping up more frequently.

It still shows 9 Pokemon & refreshes heaps faster. What’s the deal with the grass, though?