
The people that made the 3rd party apps and sites that exploited the location of Pokemon did a lot more communicating than Niantic. Had they came out and said this from the beginning things wouldn’t get this messy. When all else fails to organise the people, conditions will! They loss a tonne of money & are now

That’s not even that big of a deal to me. Perhaps they didn’t think that many people would actually get off their asses and play the game, so they we’re taking their own little time on when they’d roll shit out. What pisses me off is not communicating about server issues and that fucking 3 step glitch is a monster

Can’t imagine that this is isolated but the servers in NA are down once again. Congrats to Japan for finally getting the game. We should now be one step closer to fixing that 3 step matter that’s been proving problematic. Side note, caught this little guy last night.

See how swift they released that footage?

You’re making it seem like this is just Niantic’s fault. They were doing a staggered release to ensure stability until people started side-loading the game in territories that it wasn’t & isn’t released in. This is causing a stress on the server and the stability issues. So don’t pretend that this is just their fault.

Right around Lakeside Pkwy. A couple miles from North Point mall.

Good! Now start adding more Pokestops in more places. I’m at work in a pretty busy area(Alpharetta, GA) not a damn Pokemon in sight there’s a lake here as well.

Was doing this last night. Very effective. Also if you throw a ball and miss, tap on it before it disappears & you can retrieve it. Comes in handy when there are no Pokestops around.

So, are we going to have Detective Pikachu on this case?

For this very reason I haven’t played the game yet. I have it downloaded but I can’t log in with my Trainer ID. I refuse to use google account because I know somewhere down the road, whomever has this app linked with a Trainer ID will somehow reap some benefit along the way. I don’t know what it’ll be but I’m sure as

I’m okay with this coming to an end. I suspect they’re working on a sequel for NX. People need time to breathe between sequels.

Yo, did any of you guys bring me back any Zelda merchandise?

You saw maybe 30% of 1% of the world and say it’s poorly designed?

Oh dear! The smoke in that game looks horrendous. I really don't care too much about graphics but that seemed like they didn't even try. Am I missing something? Not familiar with PC games.

Ban the living daylight out of them. I’m not even going to argue any points or reason why I feel that way. I wish all companies did a harsh ban that way. You even think about cheating, the hairs on the back of your neck stand tall in absolute fear!

I guess they realised they couldn’t fill the days with just Zelda information without spoiling a great deal. Either way, this is good news. I’m still keeping all expectations in check after what happened last year.....a dreadful train wreck.

My friend works for 911 on the third shift she’s neither Goth, a Barfly or an Insomniac. She does however sleep during the day. I can see you either hated the series or just fell out of love with it. Either way, there are plenty of Overwatch articles you can go get your fix on. But really, why are you in such a mood?

Now playing

Does this one count? If not, it’s honourable mention.

NX sequel confirmed! And if this is a thing, remove the damn timed map rotation. Also, I want Nintendo to un-nerf my bubble shield. The push back on that thing is a devastating blow.

Boy, that fucking Battletoads, man. The bike level was insanity.