
Now, here’s my question. I hear people saying Dark Souls is a hard game(I’ve never played it). Which one is harder, TMNT (NES) or any of the Dark Souls game? Do not tell me they are different games. If I sat you down in a room & gave you both, which are you more inclined to take a sledgehammer to?

When have you ever heard Nintendo publicly going the distance for anyone? Not saying I agree or disagree one way or another. None of us knows the full story & probably never will. There were only two ways this could have ended. 1)The way it did & they don’t address anything until all of you move on to the next big

It’s closer to Tomodachi with added functionality

Took them long enough! I wonder why they took down the March international release a couple days ago?

I got news for you, mate! Mario Kart ain’t goin’ nowhere!!!!

So basically anyone that coughed up the $60 just backed a Kickstarter game with a glorified demo? Is that what’s being conveyed here?

It wasn’t like that last night. They came out with the Nintendo Account bit first then Miitomo. I had to do it separate. All manner of thanks, though.

Nintendo account is also ready for preregistration.

No idea why he didn’t just release a full, finished game. Unless he’s trying to get money to finish it with that wretched microtransaction. This guy has been in over his head for quite some time now & refuses to change course. I’d like for him to come out looking pretty,but man it’s just one thing after another. Go to

No offense, but that makes no sense. Smash is not exactly a system seller. It moves a fairly good amount but it cannot make the WiiU anymore attractive. If they continue with all this, what would they really do for a possible NX version? What would you look forward to in the next Smash? I'd argue that they love money

58 characters & you’re still complaining?

That’s the problem! You shouldn’t have to raise any objection. There shouldn’t be a need for this discussion, whether we’re talking about equality for women or people of colour. It’s a discussion I steer clear from because where we are now, this should not be an issue. It shouldn’t need forcible action nor

I discourage discussion & yet, here we are. I’m curious as to what exactly has your discussion change? Don’t get wrong, I’m a dark skinned immigrant in this country and have seen how people are treated every day. That doesn’t mean I’m not sick of seeing or hearing about it. Would love for these petty differences to go

And you're absolutely right! Doesn't make me feel any different, though.

Read my comment a bit deeper! What I’m tired of is the damn bickering. Put ten dark skin women in there for all I long as all this squabble come to an end.

I guess while we’re at it, where are the dark skinned individuals? No women? No dark skin? No dark skin women? I really just want to enjoy my video games & not have to deal with this type of shit anymore one way or another.

Since you're acting like you don't already know, let me say it loud & clear.....XENOBLADE CHRONICLES X!!!!

All the mockery was relevant when they didn’t include those features. Why is it necessary now when they’re trying to resolve it? Better late than never. There’s always someone like you at the party.

Everything was fine until she spoke & offered up those fearful expressions. Nothing about here made me believe that she was Samus!

The games are linked to your NNID but licensed to the console it was downloaded on. That’s the reason you can’t just log into another 3DS/WiiU & redownload previous purchases while it’s on an original console. You have to transfer the license through a system transfer. You can get those games back because Nintendo has