
The game is not full price! Pretty sure you’re going to complain about $10 not being much of a discount, so I won’t even entertain that. Splatoon wasn’t a new idea? I’d argue that Mario Maker is a new idea(giving users creative control) How are they lazy? They’ve got two consoles making games for and little to no 3rd

Because a 2D platformer can’t offer as much, if not more substance than a 3D game?

A lot of it’s best ideas are borrowed? What's wrong with that? I don't think anyone was going into this game looking for a revolution. Game plays great, graphics are easy on the eyes & a good bit of challenge for completionists.......Was anyone expecting anything more?(genuine question)

Now it actually makes sense why they've been releasing most of the VC games on WiiU instead of 3DS. In comes the hybrid that'll take advantage or the games coded for such a console.

Ban them! I'm a firm believer that if it wasn't intended in multiplayer & it gives an advantage.....ban these bitches.

Jamaica as well. Leave those crep(sneakers) on the veranda.

Quite charming, actually. This is what that stupid game Heroes of Ruin should have been. I only have one problem....I have 3 active friends that I play multiplayer with. Someone’s getting left out. I know that can’t be me since I’m the only dark-skinned one in the group. I’ll just pull the race card.(joking). Really

Just looking at this damn game pisses me off! I never finished it and to be honest, I don’t feel bad about it. This was just some sick joke to get our quarters. Even on the NES this thing was murderous.

I watched this last night & the Batman one(forgot the subtitle on it) pretty dark indeed. People get killed all about in these. Pretty grim stuff. I have to say I like the Batman one a lot more...Suicide Squad & all. Joker’s appearance, although midway, shows he’s not fucking around. This isn’t your Saturday morning

Maybe you’re gone or maybe you’re finally coming home. Which ever it is, memory has made you IMMORTALISED!

Can someone explain to me why Japanese tele always have heaps of banners across the screen? Very distracting.

They are already planning that. As to when they’ll get rolled out is anyone’s guess. Personally, I want my figures, to hell with those cards.

Hahahahaha. Yeah, Digicel & the whole lot a dem a fuckery!

I don’t even mess with the Internet whenever I go back there. I mentally prepare myself for that because it’s slower than molasses on a cold day.

“Can you imagine waiting 48 hours to download a game?! That’s a reality for some folks right now.”

20 minutes in and this was my reaction. No apologies

Honestly, I consider myself a pretty decent Mario player but let me be clear....I’m sweating bullets over here imagining the mental creativity that will come from this community. This is where men are going to be separated from boys.

I wasn't implying that it wasn't a good one, sorry. Usually I don't jump on DLC but this one has me thinking I should. Sorry for the confusion...cheers.

Exploitation? So what you're saying is that $3 for a fighter & $3 for a stage is exploitation? How many characters are in Mortal Kombat? That's a genuine question by the way.