
$17 for all the actual fighters on both consoles? I'm mulling it over.

Here we go again. The relentless bitching & moaning about characters being OP. They said the same thing about the Rollers in Splatoon. God Almighty, lose with some grace & dignity. Some people are just damn good with certain characters.

I have not. Why? this isn’t the typical answer that I was expecting form one of you. My comment is not directed to you personally, so you could have also ignored it. But, you chose to comment...

Having heaps more fun with this than I ever did with COD. I don’t mind them spoon feeding me the weapons & maps, as long as they keep it free & in a timely manner. Gives me time to acclimate to the new content. I can also say I don’t feel as frustrated getting sniped in this game. You have a moment to react....not so

I came to say I was sick of all this GTA5 related stuff.....but, that was actually quite impressive. I’ll wait until tomorrow when you post some mod or video to get aggravated. Carry on.

So, you’re not interested unless it’s on a console you want it to be on? Let me fix your stupid entitled statement. This is what you should have said....(I’m interested in the franchise but until it comes to the console I’d rather play it on, I think I’ll pass.) I still kept your entitled attitude in there because

What other console? They did say they’re more focused on the franchise being portable. Also, Nintendo is actually paying for the Monster Hunter games. Good luck getting it on other consoles. I can’t understand why people get aggravated when Nintendo(the company that needs the support) do this. When it’s Sony or

The blazes you mad about? You need a Snicker?

Well, I guess that could work. If you’re chronicling something pertaining to real life, you needn’t seek permission. Real life is not an intellectual property, hence, the movie not being called Facebook. Just the same as people can write a book about someone without their permission but you can’t write a

Not necessarily. Ex employees that have long since moved on & doesn’t have a disclosure contract. I suspect that there’s more going on here than just “the making of”. There may be things Rockstar would rather the public not know about. As stated before, the BBC is juggernaut corporation & knows better to seek

This is weird. If it was a documentary I’d understand them not needing approval from Rockstar since it could be considered as journalism. BBC ought to know better. This smells funky.

No Prince of Persia?

For their sake I hope you are right but one can’t help but be skeptical when, as far as I know, no evidence of a WiiU version has ever surfaced. Beyond the words of the developers, we’ve nothing. Makes me think, just like Watch Dog, they really haven't started work on it.

Congrats Slighty Mad. Now, the real test is what you guys do with the WiiU version now that you don’t have to relegate resources to individual teams. This is optimistically speaking, should such version do actually exist.

Nintendo continues to set the trend on how to do DLC. From the bottom of my heart, all manner of thanks.

Right there with you. Another hand, another head, another head shoved down the body......blah blah blah.

So no one is going to mention “Non-specific Action Figure”?

I’m sitting here pissed as hell. I never even bothered to go out there and try. It’s fucking bizarre to me that they would do this shit in the middle of the damn work day where everyone can’t get an equal chance to purchase the damn things. The handling of the Amiibo situation had been infinitely deplorable. The store