
You seem like you're part of the problem instead of standing in solidarity. Before anyone assumes, I own a Nintendo console. I like their game & make it a point to avoid familiarity with Xbox & PS turf wars. Keep up the petty squabble.

Dear Valve,

All I can do right now it take another breath for you, mate. Hats off & rest is peace.

Hahahaha. See, you'd kill me for owning it as a collector. I wonder what you'd do to a scalper. Blame them for you not having one. Condolences, mate.

When has collecting ever only been about owning something that's unopened. I have no desire to sell or play with these.

If I sound hostile, that's really not my intent. Just sick of this nonsense & the worse part is that there's nothing that can be done to stop it.

That was my intent with that thing but they don't fit in there. I too thought about building something & just need to get around to it.

That makes no sense! Listen, I'm not aggravated or would never be if another collector, or a parent got it for their kid/kids. What I'm aggravated about is the people that actually don't want the product but still lurk at their keyboards to swindle the parents & collectors that actually want the merchandise. Does that

It's a candle holder.(empty)

Great minds think alike. I also have the Skull Kid but I haven't opened it yet ;)

It's more a matter of I'm a collector & not some guy that's running his mouth & has no interest in the product.(that's why I show them) I'm genuinely collecting them & it really aggravates me to see people buying up 7 just to screw over people who actually want them.

I am! I'm not a scalper & I despise opportunistic people that's doing that sort of shit.

Haha. Sorry for the late response, though.

This damn stupid exclusive shit is pissing me off. The same damn reason I'm missing Meta Knight. Nintendo seems to be inadvertently condoning this wretched behaviour. In the mean time this is all I have.

Just use it to navigate your home menu. That's what I did before I did a system transfer. Good thing, too. If I hadn't, I would've had to wait 7 days to do another system transfer before sending it off. .

Yeah, just hope I don't get another dud.

Yep! That's the matter. Same with going "left", but not as bad as "down".

I wasn't even playing any games. I was at the home screen manoeuvreing through my games with it. Had a hard time getting it to go "down". I restored the console luck. If you're telling me that it may work properly after booting up MH and enabling CPP, that would be fantastic.

One thing for certain, check out your "C" Stick above all else before any transfer. Got my glorious Limited Edition Majora's Mask 3DS only to discover that the nub doesn't work. Sent it back off for a replacement & now I'm patiently waiting.

I don't need a graph to tell me how to have fun. There's no part of Street Fighter or any other fighter that's equally balanced. Deal with it! Sakurai already said it, you won't be able to please everyone.