
Any way you slice this it would have went down with scalpers making a mess of things. Look at the codes for Flipnote Studio. I often say they should have done it like Europe for their most loyal of fans but people would still complain & I have reason to believe there aren't still scalpers with Club Nintendo accounts.

The game is not perfect by any means but I don't think it was that complicated. The thing with that game is that it demands your time. You literally can't get shit done in anything less that 45 minutes. It's not a game you casually play. If that was your approach, no wonder you got weeded out. It's funny I hear a lot

A word of caution! Not sure if you've played Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii but that game is actually heaps more daunting than Majora's Mask. Trust me when I say this, it's crazy! Worse if you're a completionist....those quest take you all over creation & rebuilding Colony 6?(maybe 9). You had best bid farewell to a few

Seems like his best days a way behind him. You can come home now, Peter.....come home.

Well maybe she put up with it but secretly wish you didn't play. I'm also envisioning this would be commercialised.

Yeah, & overnight we're all doctors, lawyers & Rocket Scientists. everyone would be perfect. No need for spray tan or diets. That shit's scary!!

So how would you get someone to agree to said patch? I'd be hard press to wake up the next morning only to realise that my love for video games is gone because my wife/girlfriend patched it.

Why does most people hate on this guy? I like him.

Yeah, that's what I was just informed about. I think the only speed run I did was with Metroid way back in the day. That's hardly a speed run, though. I just wanted to see her half naked. Hahahahah.

I guess there have been a massive disconnect. Before the lot helped me see things a bit differently, I looked at speed runs as just blazing through a game. I just never got it. Having been introduced to the intricacies involved, I'm absolutely looking at the community as a whole a lot differently.

I could have worded it a lot differently, I suppose. But then again,, I never even knew that there were any resentments towards speed runners. I'll be a bit more careful going forward.

Hahahahaha! Oh, know that's not what I mean but I'll give it to you nonetheless.

Well, I'm sorry but that was not my intention. Speed run community, I am so sorry from the depth of my heart. I just never understood it but now I'm getting clarification....which is what I needed. Thanks.

Thank you. At least you don't treat my comment as an attack on the community which it isn't. I simply don't understand it. Not sure why people are up in arms. I never said speed runs are garbage. I simply don't get it.

It's really not.....I literally don't understand WHY! What I'm looking for is someone that really understands & have done speed runs to supply imput so the rest of us can understand it. Not mad at the community, I just don't understand it. Care to explain? Since you're so passionate about it.

And if you think I meant that literally, you're quite mistaken.

I've never really understood speed runs let alone this low score run. I know a lot of people like the accomplishment of finishing a game super fast but I like to explore every crevasse of the game. Even if I've finished it once or twice before.

What? You mean Rare? Either I'm not understanding you or you're talking about a different Goldeneye.

Apart from Batman, these super hero games need to be put on ice indefinitely. Don't care what genre they fall into. And while I'm at it, any games being made based upon a movie, the developers need to have a gun held to their heads to produce a decent game. Goldeneye on N64 is still the best one.