
I'm fine with this. He needed a good silver screen debut. Hopefully this is it. If nothing else I want to see it be a successful thing to quiet the negative Nancys.

Maybe I'm just old but I've never really felt that way. I draw a line in the sand. Nice article, though.

The only one that I'm technically missing is Meta Knight. The best place to gather your Amiibos(save for exclusives) is Toys R Us. Walmart has nothing! Best Buy is the worst! Target is okay & GameStop is hit or miss since the employees there gobble that shit up anyways. Not sure about these establishment's online

Team Rocket, Ash & Misty, Moltres, Ash & Pikachus are my favourite. Pretty cool bits though.

Well, isn't it due to the Amiibos being popular the reason why people are, like you said buying them and reselling them on Amazon at 3-4 times the original price?

Good games every once in a while? 3Rd party & DLC? We're not even going to have this conversation. Sure, their online infrastructure is a bit behind the times but it's free & I can count how many times that thing has ever been down. Can't say the same for the other two. Oh, & you didn't have to tell us that you hate

Anyone knows if the 64GB thumb drive will work with a WiiU? I do not want a hard drive.

Anyone knows if the 64GB thumb drive will work with a WiiU? I do not want a hard drive.

Is this Codename S.T.E.AM. for 3DS? It looks awesome.

It is, but obviously he's trying to troll & failed miserably.

Didn't take it personally of as an attack. I just can't, for some reason get into the series anymore. There's something about it that I'm just not coming to terms with. I started losing interest right about MK3. Granted I've only played a few after that, in moderation, I just can't tolerate the series anymore. Not

I can't tolerate this series anymore. Hoping for the day that things go back the way of Mortal Kombat 2 but that will never happen. The Kombat just feel cheesy & I despised it when they introduced multiple fighting techniques for each fighter. Hopefully this is what everyone wants & I'm in the minority. C'est la Vie.

Man, none of those are how I held the joystick back in the days of arcade. If I had to pick one, it closer to the monkey. I can get behind anyone of these & be down with it since you're practically using your whole rust. What I can't do however, is play fighting games on consoles with the regular analogue stick since

Thanks, mate.

Not the point I'm trying to make.

Yeah, I haven't seen him since I got mine. They sure do have heaps of Peaches, though.

Are you actually playing this game or you just snagged these Gif somewhere? I'm only asking because I'm thinking about this game but I'm a bit cautious that the combat may be as flawed as Heroes of Ruin(I freaking hate that game). Just want to know if it can, at the very least, measure up to Monster Hunter. We all

I'd imagine that the Fight Stick works very well as I pointed out that you are essentially palming the stick. Not like a regular controller where you're only "thumbing" it. I'd imagine it's even worse on a PS controllers because of the position of the analogue. Since you have both, I'd hazard a guess that you lose

I for one do not use a Joystick/Analogue stick to play fighting games. I find the D-Pad a lot better since I don't inadvertently jump when I don't want to. The only game I use the Analogue stick for is Smash. That's only because the specials are simplified. I cannot pull of specials in games like Street Fighter with

Well, the only two I'm a bit concerned about right now is Rosalina & Meta Knight. By the way, so far wave three(Toon Link, Sheik, Bowser)quality is actually way better than what came before. Especially Toon Link & Bowser you can see the tactile detail in Link's tunic.

Condolences on that lack of foresight. I have an extra Falcon unopened & you do not want to know how far I drove for Pit. The only one that was left in Georgia. I know because I called Target, Toys R Us, Gamestop, Walmart & Best Buy! Only Best Buy had one which was a cancelled preorder that never got picked up. Told