

I'm going to find you & end you. Am I the only one that's glad they split up the each wave in two? Seems easier on the wallet.

Please, do not put that in their heads. I've already collected all of wave 1 & 2. Gearing up for 3 & 4. I do not want to think about this right now.

I have one and no clue what it looks like. Never opened the bloody thing. I also have the Yoshi version(opened).

Don't ever mention "with not gimmicky controls" & in the same breath have mobile game as a serious contender for gaming. People aren't just playing Nintendo games on Nintendo consoles. That's is such a big misconception. Even if they are, it's because of the stigma of sloppy ports, missing content & such. People buy

Yeah, but it's not like the games aren't there. People just don't want to buy a particular console to play a certain array of games and then complain that the games aren't there.(not you) The argument of Nintendo going 3rd party or putting their IPs on other platform is getting old. Not saying that's what you're

About your last paragraph.......Nintendo?

Rare died ages least the soul of that company. What we're looking at today is just an empty husk. Walking Dead Zombies. What a shame!

Well, I like the effects of the wiper blades better on Drive Club. Also the rain drops that litter the windshield after the wiper blades, come in a bit too sudden on Project Cars. They both look good, though. One can only hope Project Cars plays as well as they've been touting it.

No they're not & that's the beauty of it. It's not a yearly series and that's a good thing. Remember Guitar Hero? Every 6 months there was a new one. They saturated the market with that rubbish & look what happened. That genre is pushing up daisies. I guess my point is that I'd rather them take 5 years to make a

Thanks. It really is s pain to clean. I have the Yoshi 3DS open it not the Zelda. Thinking about getting the NES version, too.

You should pick it up and keep it packaged for resale.

Yeah, I have all of them except for Marth, man. Seems like I may need to bite the bullet and order one from the east.

Sorry....had to be done. I had a rough day at work.

I have to say I prefer wanting a Metroid game than asking for the series to take a break.(looking at COD, AC....etc) I will be getting this game laters. Thanks.

How much longer with this DJ bit? It's rather dreadful.....

Wow, this round is going to be interesting.

That's rather you happen to know why not Zelda?

Good on you, mate. These things are proving to be more of a damn Easter egg hunt more than anything. I just hope this & subsequent waves doesn't get discontinue as the elusive 3.