Best place to get them right now is Toys R Us if you're buying more than one. They seem to be running a buy one get one 40% off. Not just online.
Best place to get them right now is Toys R Us if you're buying more than one. They seem to be running a buy one get one 40% off. Not just online.
I'm still waiting for Marth & Wario. Haven't scanned any of mine in yet....may just do it this weekend. Would love to train my Villager Amiibo but I have yet to open that one. No chance of that happening anytime soon, though.
Keep your preorder but check your local stores, man. I'm fortunate to have Toys R Us, Target, Best Buy, Walmart & 3 Gamestops within 2 miles of my house. I got the three new ones this morning & forgot to preorder Lucario. Heading back out there laters. Good luck!
You'd best run to a Toys R Us or Target near you, they broke street date. The Little Mac is spectacular. Very well done.
I'll take your word for it. But if it turns out to be real and you just killed my hype for nothing....I will find you! Hahaha.
I'm picking up what you're putting down. Their demos may change for all intents & purposes but I've never known that company to blatantly mislead their customers. Perhaps the word "Skewed" & "Fake" aren't particularly the best words to use. No?
Well, you could be right....but for the sake of everything Earthbound, I hope you're not. Haha.
Not sure, mate. Just spreading the word & hoping for something to materialise. Remastered/Remake/Port....I'll take either one. least it would be a pleasant one. I think Amazon was the one that accidentally outed the listing.
"the map was skewed & faked for this demo"
Rumour has it that there's a remastered trilogy to revealed officially next month. This needs to be true and I'm hoping they do the right thing & release it for both WiiU & 3DS.
Been on the Delta Episode for about 3 days now & constantly resetting to get, at the very least, a 5IV Rayquaza. Determination! What makes me a bit aggravated is that they run the fight with Deoxys right after.
Thanks. Unfortunately I'm using my phone. Couldn't tell you the last time I turned on my computer.
You fellows really need to do something about that Xbox Ad. Can't tell you how many times I'm trying to scroll & accidentally clicked on it. I know that's how you make your quids but it has too much real estate.
Right you are, mate. Right you are.
That's interesting. I did not know that. Thanks.
Admittedly, I never beat it either. that game was too damn frustrating and I never had the patience back then. You know a game is hard when your neighbour come wake you up at 1am in the morning to tell you that he passed a level we've been struggling on. Sneaked out the house to go see that shit, though.