You are a different breed. Hats off to you!
You are a different breed. Hats off to you!
Yeah, I'm about to soft reset. That is beyond dreadful.
Hahahahaha. I know damn well you're at least 30 years old to remember that. That frustration with this damn game lingers indefinitely. Madness!
I remember the original TMNT on NES. That game was tough as nails. You had some brass & bragging rights if you beat that game. In fact, I have a friend that brags about the games he beat by posting screenshots. Just yesterday he posted a shot of him beating Bayonetta 2. I told him, around these parts if you haven't…
It could be. They would have to differentiate it from regular online battles, though.
Clearly, you missed the point! Not even going to bother explaining it to you.
I deleted them once they evolved & filled the dex.(very stupid) Only kept my shines & legendaries.
Oh snap....this is quite interesting. Good thing it's not made to play online...I could see the deception.
Lesson learned! I should have kept all my Pokemons from X in the damn bank. I'm not looking forward to filling my Dex in Omega Ruby.
This is something that needs to happen officially.
Anyone know if I can now trade Diancie over Wifi? I know they locked it a while back.
Hahahahaha. I must have been under a rock to not have seen that. HILARIOUS!
Okay, what the hell is that from? Funny as hell.
Agreed! I have an XL but I can understand some people opting for customisation rather than the ability to play comfortably. Take women & their high heels.....never spoke to one that said it was comfortable wearing it but it's fashionable.
You do realise that Nintendo doesn't make the console in every possible colour, right? People may want a Brown 3DS to suite their taste. It could also be said that after a few mileage, you could change the plate to make it look rather new. Pay attention here, this is can get a plain white face plate…
I literally skipped a lot of the dialogue last night. That bit that happened when you get to the desert for the first time, I swore the whole thing was about 30-40 minutes worth or dialogue. I'm terrified when I start to do the butterfly quest. And what pisses me off is that you have to change class to report your…
Oh my freaking God! This game is a decent game but for the love of anything good....the bloody talking. That butterfly is worse than Navi. Everyone in that game just keep talking & talking about rubbish that's not even relevant. I was moments away from throwing my 3DS against the wall last night. UGH!
No matters. I gave away about 8 or so last time. Thought Mike Fahey would have posted an article already but I'm assuming he's either busy or just totally forgot.