Pretty sure someone stole it. I gave away all my codes, sorry.
Pretty sure someone stole it. I gave away all my codes, sorry.
No matters. You're welcome.
Sent. Check your email.
Check your email.
I may have two left at home. I'll post it to you laters.
I was thinking the same damn thing, mate. Not one of them at least confirmed that they got it. Last time I do anything for anyone on here.
AWackymickey: A4Z77PGCLLNL4PES
Here are the codes. I will put each person's name beside the code. Guys please be gents and only take your designated codes. Thanks.
I don't have Twitter. I'm about to post the codes.
How do I send it to you guys privately? I tried but couldn't.
Sure. I don't see an option to send you a private message, though.
It seems isolated, just called up the one by my house and they are going to give me two more. I can give you a code if you like.
I went and got two from the GameStop by my work. I'll see if I can snag a few more from the one at my house and pass it out to who can't make it to a GameStop.
Sigh.....It's hard to believe that they're unaware of this. Something that should have been resolved on the XL and subsequent models. I don't remember the DS line even having that issue.
Here's my question...does the top half still wobble? I really do hope they fix that.
It seems you believe that other people should like what you like. Apparently your parents never taught you that two people can look at the same thing and still see it differently. (Intrinsic Value.) There are also loads of VC & Indie games worth buying on the console. You must be that guy, I've heard a lot about you.
Read it again only.
Remove quick-scoping from the game, then I'll give it a passing glance. Everything went to shit after the first Black Ops.