
Read it again only.

Even with said texture pack and whatnot? I guess we're hitting that visual wall sooner than anyone anticipated. I'm so glad that we are, too. Now they'll actually spend more time on making games fun again.

Wow, I can barely tell the difference. Not sure if it's just my phone or just a bunch of hollabaloo for nothing.

Wow, I can barely tell the difference. Not sure if it's my phone or just a whole bunch of hollabaloo for nothing.

I agree to some extent. If you're going to lend your character to any company in any video game, this is the one you want it to be in. Smash has always been a melting pot for video game characters and being asked to have your IP in that game is like being nominated for an Oscar.

Hahaha....that tree is wicked. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Yeah, I've been rocking them nonstop. I thought he was going to be a novelty character but this little one is elbowing his way through the crowd.

Very fitting and I can see why! He's not to be trifled with!

Playing the demo of this game and it is NOICE. A bit of info for you fellow smashers, DO NOT fu*k with the Villager. Don't let that innocence fool you! He can hold his own.

Just finished Azran Legacy today & giving myself a week to get Layton vs Phoenix. I'm still on a high from the finale of Azran Legacy. Brilliant game!

You're not. I'm from Jamaica & we speak British English, but I live in the United States where everyone here thinks it's the centre of the universe.

Do you really think the game won't make it to WiiU? I'd be more surprised if it didn't. Just hone your skill on Smash until this gem gets released on the WiiU.

Really don't know what all the complaining is about. The very first Metroid had her in a bikini at the end of the game. How else would you fools have known it was a female. Shut up & enjoy the damn game!

These are at my desk until I get fired.

And suddenly, everyone is pissed about something that's free, something that they are not obligated to download, something that doesn't make the game unbalanced. This is how the internet works....everyone connects and bitch to their imaginary crowd of believers.

I enjoyed it. You coming here complaining isn't worthy of commenting real estate. Really, what's the deal? If you don't care for something, just keep it moving, mate.

Honestly, I played those games and I do not remember either Captain Syrup nor the Sugar Gang! I need to revisit them. Thanks.

I needn't address some foolishness you just conjure up because you're probably upset that the game is on WiiU. Source your information & it's authenticity, then we'll have something to discuss. Keep being a troll & keep being mad, I'm going to play some Professor Layton.

You sir have some explaining to do. I've been a Nintendo loyalist for years and I do not remember a Captain Syrup. You owe me an explanation since I just burst out laughing at work & people looking at me like I'm crazy.

There you go again! Check your response.....Don't blame your bad spelling on autocorrect because it wouldn't put two "D's" in the word "Pissed". If you're going to troll, do it properly.