
Your translation needs translating. "Faiing"?, "Pissedd"?, "Nontendo"? Before you come out here trolling, stop chewing up the language & haphazardly spitting it out like you're doing with your baseless rant!

I logged in just to give you a star. Brilliant.

No matters. Wonderful 101 is very underrated. It gets progressively better all the way to the end. Epic boss battles. Give it a go....certainly worth $20. There should be a demo in the eShop. Doesn't do the game justice, though. Try it out.

Super Mario 3D World

Wow, I really do hope things turn around. It's sad when a good company have to exit because of financial woes. I'll forever remember THQ. Especially WCW on N64. Greatest wrestling game EVER!

My God, people like you should have a limited amount of opinion. It would make you think before you actually speak!

There's a big 3DS announcement coming later today. No clue what it is, though.

I know damn well the Nintendo nation will be voting for EA(Electronic A$$holes)

You lying son of a b**ch. If I was ever near you I'd gut you bow to stern(humour) this is one damn good click bait.....I fell for it. Since I'm off work today, I'm now going to queue up "Birds" on Netflix, just for the aggravation that you caused me.

"ditch hardware exclusivity and make their games available on a platform you already/plan on owning?"

You're a fucking lunatic. Some message me when this anti-Nintendo campaign is over.

Look man, I haven't logged into this site to comment in decades. You have brought me back. Well played....this says it all.

Dude, check out the girl in the background. Reminds me of the older cartoons where they build up speed in one spot before they run off. Scoobydoo comes to mind.

Anyone has the Sloppy Set?? I want it and will pay handsomely for it.

The only way to build the cafe is to donate a piece to every category in the museum; Blathers will suggest an upgrade to the museum. Once you get that done, keep donating and then he'll ask you to help his friend build the cafe. You guys clearly are Animal Crossing "Premo" (That's Jamaican for novice)

It's interesting to me that the amount of people on here making negative comments are the assholes that don't own the console. Why do you guys click on articles just to troll? It's like there is a party for a certain kind of people that you could have bought tickets to but didn't, and yet you keep sticking your stupid

Clearly you haven't played much of Animal Crossing. If so, you'd realise that a lot of things aren't about money. Some of the unlockables are timed, meaning, a certain amount of days have to pass before it's available. Besides that, the damn public works projects are so random, you could see days pass before you get a

If you have the money to piss away on these useless movie tie-ins that doesn't sell, please donate it to an indie project or fund a kickstarter game that people are already interested in.

I have yet to hear about how this game plays or see any actual gameplay footage. Until then, I'll just keep being skeptical and hopefully they prove me wrong.

Thanks for the explanation. The last thing I wanted to play was another cheesy combo fighting game.