
I hope so. This bullshit was one of the reasons I hated Mortal Kombat 3 & beyond. Couldn't stand those cheesy combos.

Look man, you're not allowed to make me laugh after 10pm. It keeps me up at night and I have to be at work in the morning. That was hilarious.....thanks.

Bravo to the guys that can pull this off but it's a deal breaker for more. They get the opportunity to hit you once and it's all over. I know these guys are few and far between but damn that!

I think this is the definitive reason why publishers are not bringing games to WiiU. Nothing wrong with the console other than it doesn't block used games. I see why EA(Electronic Assholes) are boycotting the console. A very bleak road we're headed down if this is the future of an industry I help create as a gamer.

The game looks like it cost $20 to make(exaggeration) No antialiasing; Particle effects; Bump mapping; Advanced must be rubbish!

Why don't we just call it MX1(Microsoft Xbox one)

Dude, trust me that thing is a beast. I've been playing Monster Hunter for over a month now without charging the damn thing. Well worth it.

Mx1......(Microsoft Xbox One) That is all. This is official and we will discuss it no further.

I need this NOW!......Intravenously.

Wow......nice going EA. Acting like a little bitch because Nintendo chose not to use your framework. Very childish move and prove the immaturity of the company. No wonder you guys ver voted the worst company two years in a row.

Look, I have two 3DS & they Streetpass each other everyday So I can finish Find Mii with high rank Miis. On a side note, whenever Myamoto was sent via Spotpass the other day, man, I kept Streetpassing my 3DSXL with my other one and reformatting it after getting the Pink puzzle pieces from Myamoto.......rinse and

Absolutely. Things are way too quiet, the buzz just isn't there. Hopefully, E3 is going to be a fierce battleground. I'm all about the games.....bring that to the table and I'll bring my wallet.

Have a feeling that neither two consoles will do well at launch. It will eventually pick up. It's just going to be interesting to see people blame it on mobile space. I want all three consoles to do well, more importantly the WiiU which have had a slow start....but so did the 3DS. This spec war needs to stop and

You mad about something bra? Something you need to get off your chest? I see you huffing & puffing over there like the big bad wolf. I bet you have a PS3 & thinks you're a "hardcore gamer", too. Look little boy, go to your room & maintain you homeostasis.

Dreadfully unacceptable. What manner of English is this? This is just pure and simple laziness....

Agreed 100% Love the damn thing. Using it to play Darksiders as we speak.

I don't ever believe this was a pissing contest of pure raw power between the Big N and the other to consoles. Any of the three console makers can put the latest Processor, CPU, GPU, Graphics Card, etc in their consoles. Nintendo have said time and time again that it's not competing with the other consoles, instead

Very True.

They're doing fine without it.....both the extra joystick & your money.

I swear to you, that shit just creeped me out! What the heck was that?