Animal Crossing, Paper Mario, Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion, Castlevania, Scribblenauts, Epic Mickey, Professor Layton, Monster Hunter.
Animal Crossing, Paper Mario, Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion, Castlevania, Scribblenauts, Epic Mickey, Professor Layton, Monster Hunter.
I'll be sipping on a cup of tea with Professor Hershel Layton on Sunday. It's going to be a glorious day.
Can you imagine the amount of downloadable content and Spotpass items that are going to be in this game???? I need to start making some 3DS friends ASAP. Here's my friend's code 2621-3836-9639
Cutting it close to the launch of my Wii U......I'm going to be broke before the end of the year. I already counted about 10 damn games that I want including the console & a pro controller.
Definitely picking this up. They need to give us a solid release date for Animal Crossing also.
Moooooooooom, Mmmmz is being a jerk again.
?????? Why is he and asshole? He's unofficially Nintendo's biggest fan, he's doing what's right by the title.
There's always a particular kind of bastard like you trolling around these parts.
You know, right now your mouth being shut, is a very good look for you.
I'll let Bender have the floor.
Because he was promised a few virgins.
Dude, next time you're going to pull a joke like that put a warning sign up. I almost choked to death laughing. Hats off.
You and me both, and me both.
Do me a favour, if you do buy it, please hire me as the security guard to kick his ass off the property.
I do believe there is a pause button. At some point you will have to drop your pants and wipe you a**. That can't be achieved without pausing the game......then again.
I'm assuming you hate the Black Eyed Peas???? Don't worry, I don't like them either. What really made me upset was when that dude was running with the Olympic Torch....Sad day.
So many here willing to talk rubbish about boycotting Nintendo. Either they haven't read the article and foolishly commenting based off the sensational title or just plain foolish. Nintendo doesn't have their own assembly plant, neither does Microsoft or Sony, not even the big Apple. If you're going to boycott, you'll…
Sammii, you arrogant dung beetle. There are people out there that only own Nintendo consoles or are buying the Wii U that have never played the game. I would imagine that you have played Bayonetta 2, Zombie U, Rayman Legends, New Super Mario Bros U.....
Judging a console based off one game?????? I can judge you based off your words......You're an idiot.