
Absolutely not. You now have a powerful HD console and this is what you want Zelda to look like? It better be epic like the E3 Tech demo or better......and I pray to God that there's no more focus on musical instruments, it's getting old. Bring back Epona and take a lesson from Xenoblade's landscape.

Didn't you post this a day ago on another article? Either you're obsessed with this or I just fail to see the point.

F**K Capcom & F**K EA while I'm at it. Money grubbing dirtbags.

Hahahahah....I was thinking about asking him the same thing. Good on you.

Wow, that's just blatant disrespect. I'm thinking twice about buying Mass Effect 3 for Wii U just because of this and the rumour floating around that EA will not bring the trilogy to Wii U just because they think Mass Effect 3 wont sell. Yeah, I see the catch 22 here but these fuckers have been at this shit for too

This site is so jaded it's ridiculous. I wasn't trying to be smug or arrogant. I just wanted to know(legitimately) I was going to buy the phone but now I'm not so sure.

Am I the only one who doesn't really like the new iPhone?

I'm not even sure if I want this phone anymore. I've had everyone up to the 4 but decided to hold off on the 4S because I didn't feel that it was much of an upgrade. Now here we are with iPhone 5 and I'm still doubtful.....Maps, Siri, Rattling Battery...What's next????

Oh dear, I was playing cautious on this one. Decided to wait and see if there were any anomalies.......Lo & Behold.

At least someone here has some common sense.

What the hell does a console being cheap has anything to do with a game being fun/fantastic?????

If nothing else, Nintendo, Playstation, & Xbox fans can agree that the day console gaming stop in favour of mobile gaming, that's the day we all stop playing. Like Marcus Garvey said...."When all else fails to organise the people, conditions will".

Look, keep Chittin' & Chattin', Dippin' & Dappin' ain't comin' to PS3/360. It wasn't coming before Nintendo took publishing rights and it damn sure isn't coming after. Keep it moving......

So you have seen next gen visuals??? I don't think Nintendo is tethered to motion controls....going forward every console should have it just in case. They'd be stupid not to ever. Not every game supported motion controls on Wii. I don't think the Wii U is a minor upgrade from Wii and name me any controller out there

What's YOUR definition of TRUE next gen console????? And since you mentioned that graphics aren't everything, don't include that in your definition.

iPhone: Messages app. Come to think of it, I hardly ever use my phone at all. Occasional texts and international calls from my parents.

Thanks, man.

Oh, what a relief. I though I was doing something horribly wrong. Thanks, man.

I like Maps, however I can't for the life of me figure out how to use "Passbook" can someone explain to me how to get this thing to work?

$9.99.....not a shilling more.