Currently soiling my Nike boxer briefs to own the libs.
Currently soiling my Nike boxer briefs to own the libs.
Yep. As much as I enjoy the videos of racist cockwombles burning their own shoes, I’m hoping that CK’s next marketing deal will be with a manufacturer of something more flammable / explosive. “Semtex is proud to support Colin Kaepernick. Your move flag-humpers”.
As a former professional athlete who now spends Sundays playing in a men’s rec soccer league, I can guarantee you the problem is men - more specifically men who think that rec league sports actually *mean* anything instead of being a good way to get some exercise on a Sunday.
I have played co-ed kickball for years. Our team has won like 7 out 8 of the last championships, for one reason: our women. They are great and we let them take the plays. Guys on the other team constantly kick the ball to them, the guys stay in their positions the women make the catch and ever base is covered for…
It’s kind of sad reading all this. In the world of Ultimate Frisbee (we call our co-ed divisions “Mixed”), gender equity is a priority from the top of the sport on down. With Ultimate right on the doorstep of making it into the Olympics (probably 2024 or 2028), the powers that be are really pushing to showcase Mixed…
My experience has been similar with a couple of co-ed rec softball and floor hockey leagues. The leagues have always had the minimum number of women requirement and have generally not given us (the free agent team) enough women to meet said requirement. I realize they’re working with what they have in terms of people…
I’m a 4.0 as well. I’ve never played with a 5.0 woman. I played a 4.5 woman in singles and beat her pretty easily. If you played your partner in singles, would she beat you? That sounds pretty awesome.
Your team is owned by a man who is buried so deep in the Presidents bucket of extra crispy that he was named ambassador to the United Kingdom.
@Emily I used to live around Union Square, and I have been to Prof Thoms during Patriots games.... JESUS CHRIST can I confirm.
The Jets could never have another winning season, draft only fullbacks in the first round and continue being run by generally unlikable pricks...
Counterpoint: The Caribbean is a small price to pay for glory.
Why this wasn’t posted at 2:32 PM i’ll never know.
Schreier who’s your team?
I mean, 1) I’m doing my best to talk about it here, and without beating around the bush acknowledge that this is a service we’ve talked about extensively over the years. 2) Slice didn’t buy until 2014 3) I have no idea what their privacy policy looked like before then, which is when the bulk of our posts…
It’s always a fine balance between the winner coming back and the loser choking.
Every county in Massachusetts went for Clinton. Every New England state went to Clinton (except one electoral vote in Maine because of archaic voting laws).
Rex failed not because he was too human to be a great coach, he failed because in essence he was a fat fucking fraud. A guy who talked a bunch of shit in the offseason then coached terribly during it, a guy who talked about being bold yet punted in OT on the 40 with his season on the line, a guy who relentlessly…