The Gutenberg Discontinuity

You don’t escape a plane crash, you survive it. 

Ok, I was joking! you are right, China is horrible the US is great. Apart from the school shootings, the mall shootings, the homelessness. Therefore, lower form of human being, I will now proceed outside and breath smog. After all, we are here to follow your orders.

I know why you are not going to read, it goes against the your narrowly held views. How do you know it is the same bullshit without reading it? Please answer my prior questions about greenhouse gases data and also provide evidence regarding the rest of the world viewing China negatively, while at it provide data about

First I am American as they come, you can check my profile and length of stay here. From the glory days of Gawker to now where you are considered an intellectual heavy weight

You have not answered my questions or provided any rebuttal. Once more, which statute of law is broken by being a Russian oligarch or any oligarch for that matter? Provide a USC code, what will you charge them with? 

You have provided no data or evidence supporting your claims , you have made a broad negative statement about an entire group of people. You have used CCP instead of CPC - which is the hallmark of a western racist afraid of the rise of China.

Provide evidence it does suppress the information. A claim is not evidence. 

I guess you are stupid like the rest of the masses. The issue is constitutional, what crime have the oligarchs committed? There has to be clear, reasonable, and articulable suspicion of a crime for one to be deprived of their personal effects. Being the ruling class of Russia or any country is not a crime. I am yet to

It is CPC not CCP. if you are going to be Sinophobic at least know your acronyms. 

How about we leave private property alone? Unless this is Putin’s boat why grab private property because the owners are Russian? where is due process for the grabbing of the boat? The government has to provide evidence that the boat owner did something nefarious. I know some stupid person is going to say ‘we are at

I did not know there was a masculinity crisis at all and I have been male all my life. I admit I have a person crisis... getting older, weight gain etc, etc. But, nothing a hair transplant and a new sports car won’t solve. 

Must everything be repurposed? When you say regular gypsum is more harmful, please provide some data and explanation. Trust me bro is not an explanation.

Please understand sarcasm. The post opines that if homelessness was such as problem, we do have resources to fix it.

With your skills you are incapable of failing upwards like a decent CEO does. 

I am old to remember when people said China could not do something. Now they have surpassed us. You can not hide knowledge and innovation, eventually with enough time people figure stuff out. Additionally ,all competitors, government, commercial or otherwise spy on each other

You have not provided any evidence of China stealing anything. GE itself has provided a statement saying essentially nothing was stolen and furthermore, the US government licensed GE to sell the engine tech to China.

The last time I checked Vietnam was communist. 

Before you work yourself into a fine lather read the headline. The operative word is ‘Potentially’ No evidence provided apart from insinuations and normal Sinophobic racism that seems to be prevalent these days. No one has forced any one to do business with China. It is our greed and hubris and racism that has doomed

The state broadcaster for Germany, sort of their voa/npr. The same sinophobic stuff you get from any western media. 

DW is the German state broadcaster, I selected it because it gave a western point of view. In any case, China has not damaged Africa as the west has. There is no war started by China in Africa, there is no dictatorship supported by China and more importantly there is no Chinese colony or protectorate in Africa. China