The Gutenberg Discontinuity

OK, you believe NPR on issues China? Good luck

That is false. In Sri Lanka, the govt. offered the port to get money to pay Western countries who had incidentally refused to structure a loan. The Sri Lankan govt. went to China begging. The amount of Sinophobic racism on this chat is just beyond comprehension.

That is false, in Sri Lanka the govt offered them the port to get money to pay western creditors who had refused to restructure a loan. A lot of China bashing is just western racism and fear of a new asian power. 

Icebergs, bedbugs, the same horrible bug family.

True this, if her passport is expired she might be stuck, and if you overstay your visa, you will be stuck because you can not leave with an expired visa.

Westlake Financial is a scummy company. I had to save a relative from their clutches after a 3500 dollar car turned to 5500 dollar car.

Have you ever worked in Academia? It is a bastion of ass kissing for promotions, tenure and such. I have worked for shitbags who still hold their positions or have been promoted.

You failed to name Georgia! UGA fans are the worst! Which is perplexing because most of them did not even attend UGA let alone go to any college.

Thanks Doug for a balanced view. It is not YouTube’s job to create revenue for MT.

The chick did not run across the road

Blue balls...I once was at a tennis match and... long story short, blue balls.

I prefer to strangle my mule...not everywhere.

Why did you watch? I do not watch sports’ injuries anymore... I am getting older.

How did they combine finances? The Pacific Ocean does not combine its waters with the LA River’s.

Seems reasonable, but, you can’t determine how child support is used for the most part.

Shaun, let it rest.

Like not call them gossip.

It is just sport! no one is going to kill your mom, relax.

Worst business decision ever, high schools are finding it harder to fill their teams where does he think he is going to get good players for his MAGA league?

Did you say ‘amazing rack?’