The Gutenberg Discontinuity

They will be employed by banks taking over the wells business.

You are a fantastically sick person. I love your mind.

Cold, very cold bro.

You are a gloriously horrible human. Stars for you!

It is Tobago, see why we lost?

It is an issue of enforcement resources, they are so short-staffed that they can only handle serious violations such as contamination. I think he (granola-CEO) attracted attention with his filthy factory and the branding violation was sort of ‘now that we are here’ thing.

Offcourse not! Wonder no more.

I actually see a 6 win season for the Jets and for your Giants; only 49ers seem beatable. Fortunes change, but, as things stand you are screwed.

You are actually sad that your team is winning? I thought the misery of the Giants would compensate for any lost bet.

Please do not start it again. Please! Please! Please! !It has been a difficult year for the nation already.

You can get mildly used K900s at mid 20K. By Mildly, I mean less than 30K miles.

Oh, those fetid contraptions! I rather wipe my ass with my own hands. They seem excellent for low traffic areas, but, you always find them in high-traffic areas like airports.

Do you work for Goldman Sach’s? If so, standards have fallen since 2008. And, they expect you come up with the next financial scandal? I am no longer worried, I feel safe if they can employ you.

Wasn’t this piece about sports? Sports is not isolated from culture.

I think it is recent because when the person noticed the smell there were not flies and a short time later there were flies. Going by how soon flies are attracted to a decomposing body... it is fairly recent me thinks.

No, by a blind count Dracula with a mad brush.

Patriotism is the refuge of the scoundrel.

But, you never acknowledged that until presented with data about black women.

You need assistance with spelling.

It is the cost of the parts and labor, and I also do not work on my own cars and in my experience, it has cost me more on a German car. My recent 100K service on a Hyundai came to 687 dollars and that included labor, a timing belt, spark plugs etc. A BMW of similar specs is going to cost me more.