The Gutenberg Discontinuity

I’d buy a used Hyundai (I have) over a used BMW. In old age you cannot compare the two, Hyundai is more reliable and cheaper to run.

India and Pakistan have perfected their rocket tech without much outside help. But, if we must point a finger then I think it is Iran and Pakistan that have most likely given the tech to NK

Turkeys, with spurs on their feet can be horrible. But, I concur that geese are absolutely horrible.

Ohh, fuck prius drivers...most of them at least.

Now playing

He has been ‘balling’ for the longest

Can he introduce me to his doctor? I have back problems too.

20-30% efficiency is only the start, with improvements we can expect a higher efficiency.

Personally, I don’t. I know a guy who tosses them on subway tracks.

Relax, you also have sex for fun, some people have it for work, forced work in some cases.

North Korea has an estimated 60 nukes?

I, unfortunately, is a little, and I reside in the same locale as TK. It is a secret because on Deadspin only SAS is more disliked than TK or MW.

Offcourse you are momma’s boy!

The problem is, what type of data does social fixer collect? I am more of an observer on Facebook. I do not want some people knowing I have blocked them without unfriending them.

Do the math, that is like 3 dollars a day. That is just the minimum I pay for an hour in DMV.

Really? the man is obviously in pain and you can’t resist mocking him?

He is just a hater, I have a Hyundai and it is going to 150K miles and I am very happy with the car.

The wins is me, the reader.

You will notice the lack of the word thug or its variants.

Yes, I remember this... I hoped he would be doing great at this point in time.