The Gutenberg Discontinuity

Fuck this team, and the team from yesterday and also from tomorrow. They hate their fans and I hate that kind of attitude.

Counterpoint, Rudy Forgets! He forgot to wear his man pants and go to Vietnam; forgot he was married; but, he always remembers that he is a douche.

If it was half decent, I ate the indecent half.

I present to you test cricket

In most places (well a couple of states) you pay the taxes on the value of the car/item not the lease amt, you might be lucky in FL because the last time I was there, it was based on the weight of car rather than the value. This is a very bad deal for a car from that might rust in 6 months.

Hear that!! If you deal with geese then we can talk. Geese are horrible animals prone to hysteria and mob justice.

But don’t the lower taxes in Texas enable you to have more money to buy stuff? theoretically?

Wonder no more, dig deeper you will find the answer.

The intersection has to be clear for you to enter it. I think there is a law somewhere.

In LA that is close to a $60 happy hour. More when you count the opportunity cost of your time.

Has any stadium ever brought in the projected earnings? Wait until 10 years from now when they demand a billion for renovation. You are really gullible if you think the taxpayer ever benefits from dealing with NFL facilities.

Raise a family? where you kids will pseudo-science and pseudo-history?

If you are a liberal who loves progressive things like a Governor called Brown, moving to have Rick Perry or successor might be too much. If I could get another job in SoCal why move to Plano?

Buy what you want, do not be limited by what others think. You seem to have a great heart.

The politics, that is what is bad about Texas. If it is bbq you can get decent stuff in LA

I can not help, but, let me remind you that she said she was tired of ... the onscreen stuff and not real life.

Yes, the film is based on a real relationship, but, the artistic freedom used to fill the memory gaps is old tripe against the brown woman. I have no problems with biracial relationships being in one myself but, calm down and re-read the piece and you might get the point.

This is about the portrayal of brown women...

To think all white people’s racism will surface is like saying all black people’s violence will eventually surface

It is not a stage name, it is a bed name.