He’s really thinking of this car. Needs a little work upfront, but the thing seems to almost repair itself! Takes up a lot of your time, though, not much left for girls and the malt shop. I heard the last owner died in it though.
Oh my, it’s beautiful. I owned one when I was in my mid teens, but I never got it running, and my mom wasn’t going to let me drive it anyway (for good reason, it’s not exactly safe by modern standards).
No one seems concerned with the question that is occupying my mind now: are the panes of glass on the driver’s left and right side windows or side windshields?
True. 4" is the nominal finished width including the proper air gap between the framing and the brick. At least we always put a 4" cantilever on roof trusses for brick and the foundation guys put in a 4" brick ledge.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again...
Who says I have to sell my own organs?
That is not for sale yet.......you have to wait. The 2014-2016 models are only 80 miles
And don’t forget, they are butt ass UGLY!
Bmw i3 has 80 mile range and can only charge at 50kw max. A model 3 has 215 mile range and can charge at 120kw
“It’s the car you’ve been waiting for, without the waiting”.
I was there in an old station wagon.
Because I don’t want to work today, I watched this video on 2x speed so I could make a list of all of the issues with the car so you don’t have to watch the youtube equivalent of War and Peace.
This is certainly a cost-effective way to get a lower-priced vehicle on the market, but how owners will respond to a restricted vehicle remains to be seen.
I get where you’re coming from, and in a vacuum, I’d agree with you. The issue with your argument is that, as many above our posts have mentioned, there is this insane aura of perfection that so many have built around these cars. Every auto journalist seems to put on the rose colored glasses before looking at any…
Jaloponik. Funny.
You have misunderstood my point entirely, I assume that people that buy a brand new, base model luxury car did if JUST for the status, and are not really car people or smart consumers. Hell, the closest thing to a luxury car I own is my i3, which I leased due to the tax rebates and not wanting to buy into an electric…
This is a really weak article.