Are the police involved? I don’t know that’s I’ve seen anything others than a lost E3 pass and a little time off from streaming.
Are the police involved? I don’t know that’s I’ve seen anything others than a lost E3 pass and a little time off from streaming.
He just wants to find those responsible so he can get more
It looks like a 1980's New Yorker entering hyperspace
Funny i just posted more or less the same thing.
Devil’s advocate. He lives 3-4 houses away. He hits the guy while fucking around on his phone, swears, goes home, gets out, walks back over to talk to the guy he’s known for years to clear this up. Maybe fuck insurance, we can work it out... But to jump to “he’s drunk” and y’all piling on.... You just don’t know that
No it’s not key. That’s where the “Ooohh yeah that’s what being in middle school and acting like you know about girls” was like. It was funny and comic and he had an element of style that kept you hooked in. But after a while.... he just sucked at games and was bitchy about it to the point that I was just annoyed…
He’s better than me. But when he was with Shroud or other known players, he was just constantly getting wiped. And whiny as shit about game mechanics. Others had no such complaints or only a fraction as much. Was he above average? Sure. Was in anywhere near as good or interesting a player as his peers? Hell no
I would guess he’ll try to lose, take as much of that war chest home with him as possible
I think a lot of people stayed home cause.... TRUMP??? really???? like what the fuck? TRUMP! naaaaaaaaaah
Lots of nazi white fuckthemselves in the ass cause it’s white there. So. maybe.
no. it was just a little nostalgic to see this guy still living his middle school dream. “oh right it used to seem cool to act like a twat”. But as it turns out he was just sad and actually not very good at the games he was playing.... like.. ANY of them
needs more stars
closer to 50
unlikely given the size of his subscriber base
for a short time he appealed to the 12 year old in me
He was saying that a few years back when he was getting his ass toasted in PUBG. He’s a warn out player with dwindling value. Sad.... but sadder that he keeps trying to be something he’s not. Am I better? no... But he’s just not in the league he pretends to be
the two timer
I voted for him and you can fuck yourself with your gun you weak little pussy man
Y’all need to switch it up for people and talk about the red car and the silver car. Cause honestly, I have no effing idea which drivers is which ,