So, dumping the family tree, but not the money it grows
So, dumping the family tree, but not the money it grows
“My children, motherfucker.”
Humans are fucked. it’s in our nature. Chances are some will survive. Most likely the few hunter gatherers will make it through IF there is something to hunt/gather. But the complex interwoven society most of us depend on.... no way.
We could try harder. Nukes are so powerful now that the trigger alone is as big as Hiroshima. We’re blissfully unaware of how bad we can make it for life to survive. But that’s just on a good day
People in power just know that they are powerless on this issue. Human nature will not be solved
Wow... I know that ramp well.. It’s STEEP. Like REALLY FUCKING STEEP
Kinda wierd when you’re older than your boyfriend’s mother in law
So wait war in pitch blackness wasn’t organized and clear enough for you? I mean I get it but, if anything war is confusing and strange and illogical. Especially when you’re warding with mindless dead. I was not disappointed but you’re right it could have been even better.
My trick is: “I always look high” because secretly, I am
Like the brown interior
Hmmm.. lime green stitching.
Can it fit a sheet of plywood?
Pay attention or not I never read anything that guided me to change me deductions. Trump supporters are hardly the only ones caught off guard.
well, if I make zero changes and have a 10k swing... I would say it’s short sited of the government not getting the word out to make changes as required. Becuase no, I don’t read the fucking tax guides. Hell I know a lot of tax accountants that just quit rather than figure it out.
Last year: 3k back
Number of days before one is wrapped about a tree after being sold?
after 12 years of loyal, unoffensive commenting on this site... I just want out of the greys before it’s gone.
no. not normal at all..
Well, I hope he found a job with good health care
Torn.. death penalty, organized religi0n..... not sure which is worse but sure, I guess they both belong together