If trump could be yoda
If trump could be yoda
Then what? Fuck this sputtering mess.
God. It’s about time everyone felt pain
OK “FilthyHarry” who might think exposing himself is funny. Oh wait...
he’s the best trump could get
Not sure how fast pulls happen but it just aired here
I’m going with this
In some ways Pence would be worse than Trump. But I bet on most fronts with Dems in the house we could out maneuver him legally until the end. He’ll never win a second term, he’ll be more stable on the whole that trump.
But Loomer wants more. She wants fame.
Open door, dump passenger. -and in my case go to Fly’n Miata and supercharge that engine.
thx... yeop sure is
thx! about 1,500. Even better when not covered in dust
To quote a fallen star (lance armstrong): Stop shaving pounds off your ride. Go lose weight off your own fat ass
I should have updated insurance, registration...
yeah? Cool story
Opinions are never wrong.
wrap... peel and replace. Also protects the paint underneath
You can hack it in
wrap :) They I can change down the road
good man!