Denver is too damn high

Stand back, he might clock you in the face

Funny when I’m at the auto show it the first thing I look for.

I really like the look of the connect.... it was perfect until I found the rear door to front seat was something like 8 inches short of a sheet.

Dodge Ram 1500 I think

Yeah, you didn’t read the rest of the comment

You are a god

The more obvious solution is a helicopter.

I’ve had friend’s “trucks” where the gate is down but there isn’t’ 4 feet between the wheel wells. It’s a joke squared. How can we fail so bad as a nation to deny our right to a properly sized truck?

You’re a person who wants to “truck stuff around” -in a truck.

I can’t say you’re wrong.

Mmmmm.... not a bad price either. will investigate, thanks

That was fast

Transit connect won’t fit one. When I go to the auto show I bring my laser tape. VERY FEW “trucks” fit standard goods. It’s gotta be an older minivan or a full sized van. Bummer is: I want the cool interior, nice sound system, etc so I can be practical AND have a nice ride when I’m hauling goods. It’s odd going from a

Dude the Baja is my go-to “What the fuck do you do with that?” car. Seriously what good is that car for anything? Maybe buying bags of dirt that may break open. (not loose dirt -no front loader is small enough to properly put the 1/2 yard of soil in there)

That’s ridiculous. If I need just 1 dozen 2x4s they swing all over the place on turns. Just make the “TRUCK” which has a purpose in life: “TRUCKING STUFF” the right size to handle standard sized goods used and sold in the world. Plywood, 2x4s drywall, etc. Hell copper pipe is 10 feet... you want to just lean a couple

Not when you’re buying $250 a sheet walnut ply. I’m not ‘balancing’ my goods. Shit should fit

Thx. Yeh av club and kotaku are my hold outs.... I appreciate the purpose of the greys but the editors need to get a little more involved

Post update post:

I’m sad for his kids.

well, at least it doesn’t have an analog clock because GAWD that’s tacky. However, serious demerits for slapping somone’s discarded 15 inch flat screen from 2007 on the dash