Dear Rafi,
Dear Rafi,
If “Senior Writer” meant anything, Rafi would be smart enough to also wonder “Hey, what kind of parent blindly drags their child in to harm’s way?” Unfortunately, Rafi is not a journalist, he is simply a blogger, which means he just posts stupid shit all over the internet like an artist that creates his paintings by…
Quite interesting how climate change ne global warming wasn’t responsible for Sandy et al until a Republican got in to office. Looks like the scientists are a bit pissed that the payoffs stopped coming and the gravy train came to a halt.
Ah, the typical “People not on the coasts are fucking stupid!” joke. As someone born in IL and moved to MA at age 6, I see far too many of you idiots who think you’re so superior. Most of you are fucking retarded and useless, from my experience, and that’s from dealing with the smarter portion of the populace in the…
Paul Blest, too dumb to think “Why would these people put their children at risk by rushing the border?” And far more interested in pushing “OH GOD HOW COULD WE DO THIS TO PEOPLE SO STUPID TO PUT THEIR OWN CHILDREN IN HARM’S WAY. WOE TO THE POOR PEOPLE ILLEGALLY SEEKING ASYLUM!” For the record, in order for asylum to…
This tried to be clever and high brow but very much failed.
Ah Splinter, home of the delusional and hopelessly stupid. Ocasio-Cortez was a hilarious elect, she has no future in the senate and no chance at re-election - All she did was convince a bunch of immigrants (undoubtedly some illegal) that free college and free healthcare was a good idea, such a task! Too bad she won’t…
This is how we know you’re mentally handicapped - you think a black bean soup is better than clam chowder. The whole of the country disagrees with you, and you can die in a fire.
Communism and totalitarianism go hand it hand, that’s literally how it works. Or have you not checked out China in the past twenty years? Numb nuts.
FYI: Nobody cares about the native americans. That shit is so played out and tired, idk why you idiots harp on the idea that the country was supposed to support them.
Do you just jerk off to social media feeds or something? She’s done nothing, and will do nothing - she ran and won on an impossible platform of “FREE COLLEGE AND HEALTHCARE FOR EVERYONE!” in a poor district to begin with, and they understand so little English and are dumb enough to believe it. She’ll lose re-election,…
You’re right, she is fantastic - for the GOP. “Girl from well-to-do family wins senate preaching for the less fortunate” is not exactly a great tag line. Winning a senate race in NYC is far from being likeable to anyone else in the country..But, you know, keep dreaming about how anyone gives a shit about NYC.
I think it’s more “Why do Republicans hate women who claim to be poor then strut around in expensive finery (See: Any democrat) so much?” Try harder though.
Maybe the guy shouldn’t have been part of a gang, or had so many priors that a minor possession charge landed him with bail instead of ROR.
Easy to see why you’re not a lawyer, mainly because you’re not able to not say ignorant shit. The case was sealed like due to impending prosecution of falsifying evidence and whether or not they wanted to pursue the partner as well. Yeesh, Root commentators are the dumbest - is it because none of you bothered to go to…
Whatever you say, kid :)
Oh yay another article by Kotaku’s affirmative action writer. Joy.
Come on man, this is Splinter. It’s been running the Fox playbook since its inception, and before that it was Gawker dying on the hill of publishing a surreptitiously recorded sex tape. This blog’s agenda isn’t something that should leave you wondering, what you should be wondering is what form the sex tape will take…
Waaaaaaait wait, you’re telling me “All italians are plumbers and have ugly mustaches” isn’t offensive?
Five hours, since six would imply I was up at like..5:45? I didn’t get up until 6:45. Some of us have to get up early to conduct international business. As for whatever else you’re talking about..No clue what you’re saying. I probably got bored of trying to convince you how big a fool you are and went to do anything…
I’m going to beg you to re-read your previous comments, then expect you to contort your leg enough to shove your foot in your mouth. You seriously need medical help.