Oh hey, look, the guy no one invites to parties! How ya been? Not having friends, I see.
Oh hey, look, the guy no one invites to parties! How ya been? Not having friends, I see.
Way to conveniently avoid the substantive bits. And “Look at the privileged loser who becomes apopleptic at any offense and demands ‘everyone must be nice to everyone else!’” Fascist.
Not quite, we weren’t looking to conquer, only to stop the spread of Communism and shore up the South’s defenses. Unfortunately they started violating the Geneva Convention by using forces in civilian clothes and children to cause casualties. Kinda hard to fight with an arm tied around your back. Judging by the number…
I didn’t realize this clown was a freelancer, which actually makes it a bit more pathetic that he wrote an article on this topic and then fucking shopped it around praying someone would run it - lucky for him GMG was dumb enough to, the same type of stupidity that bankrupted Gawker in the first place. Thanks for your…
Found the guy who got made fun of in high school by EVERY social group.
Or, and I know this is a radical suggestion, people could grow some skin and not flip a lid at every perceived insult. You’re not even a Native American, and yet you’re here stomping around screaming your outrage in to the void because..why? Your life is empty and devoid of meanings?
Political correctness refers to an idiotic belief that everything should be made as inoffensive as possible to keep peoples’ fee fees from being hurt. Tell me: What’s YOUR problem with it?
You don’t have to be a “gamergater” to know this is pointless and dumb.
What the fuck is a “fair” war, you numb nut? Wars aren’t fought by two equal parties decided on by some arbitrator. You’re a moron, and should probably give up while you’re ahead.
Probably because you antagonized a group of people that had firearms when you had bows, and steel swords when you had hatchets. You know, I don’t think that whole “Scalping” tradition went over terribly well with Europeans who had been taught that war had certain rules that you just don’t break...They broke them, and…
You shouldn’t even be allowed to post with some of the idiocy you spout. What about that?
Because that land is ours. We allowed them to have it at one point. We took it by right of conquest, and they can feel free to fight for it again if they’d like, but we’ll still take it. It’s almost like refusing to cooperate with a vastly superior military force is a bad idea. Hm..
Calling him a “writer” is being generous, much in the same way that calling someone who repeatedly bashes their head against a wall is a “construction worker.”
Bad analogy, yes. Sound military tactic? Absolutely. Talk about an easy win!
It’s called war, buddy. Been doing it for over a few thousand years! Somebody has to lose. That’s not genocide, that’s not theft, it’s called conquest.
Then why isn’t Europe absolved of their racism? For thousands of years most of Europe was inhabited by almost entirely Caucasians, with skin tone slightly altered by the region inhabited. I don’t even disagree with you, just saying that argument has some holes. And please don’t bring up “OMG BUT EUROPEANS THEN…
You’re right. It is easy, let me show you how easy it is..What’s the big deal, you fucking spaz? Two frames of animation, and you manage to make a federal case out of it. Over analyzing in an endless quest to HUNT for things that might be remotely questionable but generally innocuous doesn’t make you intelligent, or…
You’re asking a lot from these guys, namely that they do what they’re (overpaid) to do. It’s easier to just shit out a hot take when you’ve strong armed your employer in to paying you 50k a year regardless of performance and a job that requires them to be bought out if they want to be gotten rid of.
That being said,…
But he’s smart, you see. All his horrific spelling and grammatical errors said so! The casual anti-semitism thrown in was an interesting touch as well.
To be fair, if your asshole could sing happy birthday and make you rich, that sounds like it could be a decent subplot on an episode of South Park. Comedy Central will be reaching out shortly