Probably because referring to anyone who writes for the A.V. Club as a bonafide “critic” of anything is an insult to to critics who actually..You know, have some knowledge of their subject topic and aren’t paid shills pushing a political agenda.
Probably because referring to anyone who writes for the A.V. Club as a bonafide “critic” of anything is an insult to to critics who actually..You know, have some knowledge of their subject topic and aren’t paid shills pushing a political agenda.
The funny thing is, of the gay people I’ve met none of them have been all that upset about anything. It’s always seemed like the straight people that were more interested in making a scene over supposed “marginalized” people because they just absolutely NEED a cause for their lives to have meaning. They are tiresome…
Maybe because “gender fluidity” is a scientific impossibility, and is more a sign of some sort of cognitive disorder/mental illness than anything else? If body dysmorphia is a mental disorder, so is “gender fluidity.” Surgically altering your body or taking hormones or changing your clothes isn’t going to magically…
You’re being intentionally stupid. It’s great for the people working, something the Democrats have lost even the most tenuous grip on. We’ve already told them, “Times have changed, time to move on” but they want to mine the coal and there’s no harm in it, we might as well mine it. Not that you’d ever understand, since…
Idk, monetary benefits? Are you Elon Musk?
It’s even better when I can dismiss scumbags like RodStricklandPropane who have no interest in discussion.
No big deal, developers have the cash. Is it unfortunate for them in that they can’t get a 400% profit? Sure. But they’ll pay it so they can hit 250 or 300% profits, and workers get jobs. No harm done. If you idiots in Pittsburgh have so much trouble, WORK AROUND IT. It’s not hard.
I’m glad I didn’t read that while drinking coffee because I think I may have choked and died.
Odds on them posting them on Twitter and decrying capitalism?
Way to edit comments kiddo? You’re still trailing far behind the tech centers, and have zero to offer to other states. Yeah, I’d be annoyed too.
Lotta talk, no stats. Weird welder girl from PA tries hard on the internet. That’s two headlines right there. Then a lotta claims on how it’s great for “Small tech,” no shit, the real estate is cheaper than balls. Pitt and Cleveland are fighting for poorest, ugliest spots in the country. Shit, I’m happy because it…
That’s fucking roll call. That just means they didn’t show, which, congratz, is weaker than voting no. So basically you’re saying all the people you support would rather just not fight.
Maybe go to college, maybe learn something outside of manufacturing and stop blaming everyone because the times changed and you didn’t.
Somebody’s an uneducated angry steel worker!
I think that only sticks in NYC and for people with Communications degrees.
If you all just cared more about yourselves and less about being offended for other people, you’d probably be better off.
She reminds me of the Crypt Keeper.
Yes, yes, guy, we’re all aware. Nobody cares. Want proof? Look at every moron lining up outside an Apple store when the new iPhone is released. We have iron, a tax on imports is good for you - ya moron. The intention is to dissuade imports from places like China who can sell lower because of peasant labor costs. Go…
Not really, as this has happened over..And over..And over..And over again. It’s a minute shift from red towards grey, which is fine, since I land on the grey area regularly anyway. The issue is Splinter and many Democrats expected a swing to get them the House AND senate, or at least the senate. Not the best showing…
Thank you for admitting that both parties gerrymander.
Okay?...I assume you’re from Pittsburgh. That’s not a big deal for 90% of the States. Maybe mining isn’t worthwhile anymore when we’re shifting towards tech? Tech made with rare earth metals? Stop thinking narrow, think wide.