
..You’re legally allowed to say whatever obnoxious thing you want for the most part without consequence. There’s only the “Fighting Words” exemption to speech, and that has to be pretty egregious. Maybe don’t be so upset by what someone thinks.

While I agree about the inauguration, who knows why it mattered to make it seem like “Biggest ever,” idk who puts any stock in the turnout for an inauguration regardless, there probably were illegals that voted in California. Many “Sanctuary States” like Cali, Washington, Oregon etc. willfully don’t want to confirm

Some people deserve to be treated like assholes no matter their color, race, or orientation. Deal with it. More like you were raised to be stepped on - I was raised to be kind to women, all bets are off when dealing with men.

No one is saying you can’t be offended. They’re saying they don’t like that they’re treated as if they just shot you because they used some words. Grow some skin, or do you just cry whenever your boss expresses disappointment with your slip shod work?

Yeah, except trans people are still genetically what they were born as, so ignoring what they want to be called is actually adhering to your beloved science books. Not speaking poorly about the dead is a generally accepted social norm - Here’s a perfect example: Nobody on these massively biased sites decided to rehash

Are you implying HamNo isn’t part of the lunatic fringe?

Stereotypes came in to being for a reason.

Who cares about making jokes about “fags?” You have all the rights afforded to anyone else, even more because you’re protected by the Federal Government’s anti-discrimination laws. Maybe, like grow a pair and learn to laugh. I’ve made gay jokes in front of other gay men and at least once I got the response from one of

Have you never told an off color joke, or a dark joke? A dead baby joke? a SIDS joke? A FAS joke? If not, you’re probably not very fun to be around, otherwise most males have all made a joke like that at one time or another. Life is a fucking dark journey, being able to laugh at it doesn’t make you some sort of

Why are you so upset about people using words? I could call you a “commie pinko leftist salad tosser” and I’m sure you’d run off to someone to gripe about it because mother told you you’re special and amazing, but that doesn’t make either of us correct. You are none of those things your mother said - she just said

It is admissible as self-defense you clueless goblin, except she fucking killed somebody who didn’t abuse her.

Uh, well, your dumbass assertion that all republicans are racist aside, she killed a guy for no reason. You don’t really get pardons for that.

Whose daughter is she? She was given up for adoption, put in to the system, then what..Peaced out and started whoring? Maybe if there weren’t so many welfare queens dragging children in for the state payouts we wouldn’t have this. Alas, most of them are..African American..Oh shucks, we should ignore that fact.

Spoken like a person who has never had to wonder “Is she lying about her age?”

So why aren’t you using your brain and demanding the prosecution of her pimp, her foster/adoptive parents, et al.? But no, you’re that dull that you just want to jump at the “LOOK THE WHITE MAN DID IT AGAIN” bullshit. How this site even maintains its quotas for clicks is a mystery to me, because not only is it poorly

Have you ever tried, I don’t know, separating the art from the artist? Voltaire, Van Gogh, and Picasso weren’t good people either but they’re still taught and lauded in school for their work. What, are you perfectly innocent?

Biases about black female identity? Like how they’re loud and obnoxious? Because touting guns and strapping people to cars to shoot at them is both loud, and obnoxious.

I’m more curious about who the fuck listens to AM radio? What does he play at parties, NPR?

Asians and Indians are generally considered white on Gizmodo Media, because they tend to be successful. If you’re not fucking up regularly and being “oppressed by the man,” you must be white - even if you aren’t white.

But dude, their jeans are tighter!