
Did your university have football? Because if so, then that’s your problem. It’s not Title IX and the women’s programs that cause men’s sports to get cut. It’s football. Your beef is with football and with how athletic administrators divide up their budgets. Since the passage of Title IX, men’s total participation

As a former girl little leaguer, I can confirm that aggressively hazing girls off your team works. I could throw a hardball faster and farther than anyone on my otherwise all-boys team at age 9—all I wanted was to pitch overhand—but the boys assigned to catch with me during practice would purposely throw everywhere

This is the equivalent of staring off the game with an onside kick, pulling your started after one incomplete pass, going for it on 4th and 30 on your own 5, and then bringing in your special trainer to play QB. This isn’t unconventional. This is bad.

I don’t know who the hell you are but you’re not from Philadelphia.

But her emails!

Jesus, that’s good.

Obviously Twitter is another thing Deion couldn’t tackle…

Yes. I officiated basketball from 7th grade to varsity for about 10 years. Forfeited more than one game because of parents coming onto the floor during what should have been minor fights. Tossed a scorekeeper for the same reason. Threw out a varsity head coach for coming on the floor to argue a call during a 7th

Can second - some of the baseball guys who dabbled in football were gigantic assholes. They would actually brag about getting under a coach’s or player’s skin and then dropping an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on them. I’d much rather have a kid who knew how not to get in trouble in the yard on my crew.

So what you’re saying is taking a group of individuals traditionally known for being socially awkward misogynists who have spent years competing in an environment where they had complete anonymity and could say whatever to whomever they please with little to no repercussions, and turning into celebrities overnight

It’s not the system. It’s the people.

Man, this dude sure asks a lot of questions.

False: We actually have laws for incidents involving one person convincing another person to commit murder. It’s still murder. Fuck off.

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

Yeah, he plays football.

Investments are not a video game. If you want to pay off your mortgage and plan for your retirement, you take things slow. If you don’t mind going back to eating ramen in a studio apartment, then you pursue volatile markets, such as cryptocurrencies.

My wife left me because of the anthem protests! THANKS, OBAMA.

I also forgot that people can buy a 50" HD TV for like $10 now, and can flip between multiple games/redzone, so why the hell would they want to go to a stadium in the middle of nowhere to get pissed on by a jerkoff fan who’ll try to stab them after the game?

Also, the Rays are going nowhere fast in an incredibly tough division. This makes sense for a whole host of reasons.

Richardson was apparently very disappointed to learn he had to sell the whole team rather than each player individually.