
Here’s the thing:

This one is apparently “run” by Brian Woods, who so masterfully directed the FXFL to a place where Josh Freeman could play badly for one more team.

Ty Cobb wasn’t even Ty Cobb bad, to be fair.

Joe Jackson sworn court testimony, Sept. 28, 1920:

Or the Tampa Bay teams, even.

I had the pleasure of knowing Craig, even worked somewhere he had worked earlier in his career and got to know him. Genuinely good man. RIP.

No, but MLS has a players’ union.

Slightly tangential, but does anyone else believe that today’s Nazis would get the shit kicked out of them by real, 1930s-1940s Nazis?

I honestly am of a mind that American neo-Nazis are pussies who would fold if we all just punched them in the fucking face.

Since when does sucking in sports radio get you fired?

Manish Mehta, who had anonymous quotes about how much Tim Tebow’s teammates didn’t like him back in 2012? That Manish Mehta? He does not believe in sourcing.

It’s very likely they just didn’t understand what Eric was saying.

By definition, if he walked off, it was under his own power.

Actually, rather than deciding what was best for their viewers, they did as most media outlets do and decided what was best for their business.

He started at pitcher and batted fourth in 12 games in 1918 and 17 times in 1919.

The DH can only be used for the pitcher.

No, does not lessen the loss, which is considerable.

She seems nice.

Only if you throw out the records.

Gary Johnson would be hard-pressed to beat Tom Kirkman.

He didn’t.