
Proving once again that, if you need to break out of a slump, your best bet is to play NC State.

Let the memes begin!

The biggest winner tonight: Steve Harvey

Just don’t flush them. They say they’re flushable, but they are not. They will destroy your pipes.

I dunno, for “Bruce Harper”, that could be a pretty good deal.

This headline is bullshit. WWE my ass.

That turned to shit faster than a Skyline 3-Way.

Seriously. Who has the time or inclination to go to a “pointlessly berate the GM” meeting?

Now playing

Married a black woman just for the jokes?

“Crawford, who is black, said he and his wife Deborah were “livid” after the end of the meeting”

Jokes aside, it’s pretty big of the vet to admit that he needs a service dog. Not easy to discuss one’s weaknesses, especially on television. I wish him and Six the best.

I can’t be the only one who read the head as “Chili Dog Enjoys Hockey Game.”

Holy hell, this so much. It’s his team, be can do whatever the hell he wants since the conference commissioner damn sure isn’t going to do anything. That’s fine.

Cook Out remains the best thing about the Carolinas:

Classic Coach K, beating Calipari at “one and done.”

The biggest tragedy here is that we do not have a play by play call from Kevin Harlan.

Eli, sadly, was not invited

Maybe Magary finally snapped.

Now THIS is a hockey story about violence that we can ALL get behind!