So, you punch a one legged man, in the back of the head, while he’s peeing, and run away? That’s some grade A cowardice right there.
So, you punch a one legged man, in the back of the head, while he’s peeing, and run away? That’s some grade A cowardice right there.
Thanks for the warning. Can we move on now? Some of us didn’t like either of the candidates and just want this nightmarish election cycle to end. We get it, Trump is “literally Hitler” and a real poopy head, but you know what? I heard practically the same kinds of things from conservatives when Obama was elected.…
Who says female announcers are bad. Great call by Burke
Can we revoke internet access from people like this?
I am befuddled by this take.
UK and UNC played a home and home for several years, (last played in the 2014-2015 season) so it’s not like these things never happen. A lot of fans actually like these neutral court games because it gives them an opportunity to go someplace interesting and actually see their team live since tickets for these matchups…
Can you ask Jezebel to cross post this just so they one billion unique clicks, and a few trillion comments?
The fetish your staff has for Potbelly is the most concerning thing here.
Thank you for that addendum, I was wondering what kind of fancy ass JJ’s you’re eating at.
ADDENDUM: I wrote this without realizing that you CANNOT get your sub toasted at Jimmy Johns.
I’m agog. That’s like growing up without the ability to hear, and the first music you hear is Nickelback.
Bridezilla will take my beard off my cold dead face. you can tell your groomsmen / maids what to wear but you ask them to trim, not get rid of, a defining facial feature.
better footage -
The Browns have yet to purchase any as the team prefers to just shit on the field.
Geez. We make fun of Trump for his thin skin but maybe we should, like, never do that again if a single joke at Democrats’ expense is going to generate 20 think pieces. Has the petition to have Jost fired and his fields sowed with salt been posted?
the 37different genders is not why dems lost. It’s this reaction in this exact post why the dems lost the election. It was a fucking joke.
It’s a fucking joke!! This reaction to a fucking joke is why Dems lost the election.
this reaction to this joke is why democrats lost the election
Only if it’s against Duke. This is allowed.