Dude has managed to take the “real-life version of The Smiler from Transmet” attribute from John Edwards.
Dude has managed to take the “real-life version of The Smiler from Transmet” attribute from John Edwards.
sorry to say this was 100% Slack law
It’s got two hours of battery life. Alienware reinvented the Sega Genesis Nomad for a new generation.
Yars Revenge or GTFO.
To summarize an old post of mine, Gamers were never to really prepared to have their hobby *actually* treated like the form of art they always kept shouting that it was. They’re art when it needs to be protected, but they’re mindless toys come time to examine them.
SIDEBAR: When the fuck did it become fashionable to proudly cop to not having the patience to fucking read?
Excellent article. Thank you Maddy, for writing it up, and for all you’ve done.
I’m disappointed in Sanders’ statement (yes, this was an illegal assassination and we must resist war in any way possible, but the primary victims of US imperialism are not US soldiers). The best of a sad bunch, and the only one I sort of trust to do the right thing here. I’m disgusted with the rest of them, very much…
It’s beyond my comprehension that JJ Abrams keeps getting work- let alone huge projects like Star Wars. He has creative ideas that take a massive nosedive midway through- see: Felicity, Alias, Lost. I loved the first season of all of those shows before they totally went bonkers (remember when Felicity magically time…
Or, hear me out - they could have not given some janky CGI footage a lead role in the movie.
Yeah, sure totally.
Yaaa right. JJA needs to shut up.
edit: this is a rhetorical question. I think we all know who decided this.
given how much water and time it takes to grow almonds, its hard to argue they are environmentally friendly. maybe make it oat milk and that would be a better argument
I sure this review will be received reasonably and people, regardless of whether or not they agree with it, will debate politely. It’s a good thing Star Wars has never caused people to behave in a disagreeable fashion.
The Atlantic had a good theory for what happened: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/11/how-boeing-lost-its-bearings/602188/
First Gear - Well at least all the requisite senior leadership types got their kickass quarterly bonuses when pushing this thing through into production and no one will take that from them. Thats all that matters in the end.
It’s an industry wank-fest used as an excuse to show commercials. Lighten up, Francis.