
Luke-warm take: It’s ok to be annoyed if a guy refuses to shake your hand before the game.

I fully expect multiple Deadspin headlines this year that feature some combination of the words “Zion” “slam” and “to hell.”

China: [fires Rockets]

The /s was for sarcasm, in this case, very intense sarcasm, bordering on absurdity.

When a tweet comes out wrong

So, what you’re saying is that something in Gilroy stinks.

My father has been a subscriber for 52 years. I’m willing to bet he’s one of the Top 100 most tenured subscribers. It was a Bar Mitzvah gift, and to this day he has no clue who got it for him. The only thing he knows is that they filled out the application choosing the prefix “Master” rathern than “Mr.” My Dad never

This “Take on Me” director’s cut is bananas.

Those that are middle class can afford a $70k car.


No wonder Elway is such a Trump fan.

“His name is Jock Strap King” and “He’s stronger than you think.”

I was gonna suck my thumb, but I got high

Ah, yes, the old rainbow flag operation.

It should be obvious in hindsight. A real homophobe wouldn’t have correctly spelled “you’re”.

Are we sure that’s not just a member of the Gase clan?

“We knew people had died there, but it was the ‘80s” is the best synopsis of that decade I can think of.

We were in a policy meeting
They were planning new ways of cheating

Reenactment of the scene

Iiiiiiiiiiiiin West Philadelphia