
I see a Gruden and I want him painted black

I feel sorry for the parent organization if their pharm team is this bad.

Ask and ye shall receive:

Two years running, one year limping, then euthanized...

Hmm... that catch rate looks similar to the predicted chance Trump had to win the election. By your rocketgenius understanding of stats this means Benjamin will NEVER catch a pass!

“Hand of Dog” as it’s known in Argentina

Here you go, sunshine.

I forgot about that one. I hate it when I google “bills ass play” and have to choose which image I want...

Look at THIS Bills Ass-Play #allhyphensmatter

Poor guy, you can really see the agony of defeat da feet on his face da turf.

+1 kosher suppository

Craig James killed five hookers while at SMU I’d like to upgrade my internet service to gigabit, please.

Brian “B.J.” Johnson’s defense fell through when claimed he had “no idea” what oral sex was.

Little known fact, much like Rex Ryan, Hitler also had a foot fetish. The proper pronunciation is thus, Heel Hitler.

One clip on YouTube and the opening stumbles

I don’t know, looks more Pink Lady to me. Also, isn’t Macoun one of the QBs we should be seeing in Oakland soon?

+1 snakebite

Peterman, who has thrown a pick in 9.2 percent of his career attempts...

Well duh, “Wily Led Calm Horse” is an anagram for “Michael Wells-Rody.” The warning was right there, people!