
Maryland Board of Regents is an anagram for “Strong men barf or lay dead”

To be fair, it’s only displayed because their intern misheard the front office’s request for a “Jew Lives Matter” flag.

Shows what you know, dummy.  A terrapin is a turtle, not a horse!

To expand on your theme. “I tried on Peterman” is an anagram for “predetermination”

Hue and Lue Get Their Due

The flattened fattened man is eventually able to come to his feet.

You know what grates on me? I made a similar pun a few minutes late (and in the greys)

That should be against the slaw!

Oh Lord, protect this rocket house and all who dwell within the rocket house.


I watched the video and it appears they are just milling around. However, if true, it’s clear-cuts have to be made. I wouldn’t reduce the Timbers to pulp but you also can’t just paper over the offense.

You just can’t see the forest for the trees. You should probably log off for the night.

Isner: Tell me again about the rabbits, Görges... 

Honda coming on was a prelude to success

+2(pi) Coriolos force

Except that in your scenario Iceland have 3 points and finish 3rd and Argentina goes through with 4 points. Sorry to be that guy but you’ll have to think of a better scenario to get them punted by GD

Fixed it for you: Man, Iceland smites! This is the most effective version of soccer against Argentina possible!


As opposed to the “Nader Mets” who are Ungood at Any Speed

I thought you went to a Planned Parenthood *AFTER* a good drilling not *FOR* one... HEYOOOOO