Dennis Woodyard

Taking the confederate flag down from state-owned land is a good idea, and I support it.

No one is banning the flag. No government agency has removed a single flag from private property. People who say “the flag is being banned” or “should be banned” are fucking morons. The former is wrong. The latter doesn’t

If you’re into architecture illustration, there’s this series of sci-fi Belgian comics called Les Cités obscures. There are 11 books in the main series, six were translated to English as Cities of the Fantastic.

Every time I watch it, I imagine it's the Tom Strong movie we never got :(

I'm not sorry.

You know what really irritated me the most about this? Burbank is a reporter on Television, which is ALSO something people waste their lives watching. I just pictured someone watching his report and going "My God, he's right!" and turning off their TV and going outside. Does he not realize many people also escape

I'm still awaiting a remake of this amazing game... Can we change those F1 style hover vehicles and just turn them into future cycles?

I can't support police-militarization porn.

I'm a tactical medic. I work with SRT (Special Response Teams, more commonly known as SWAT). I'm not a cop, I do not perform law enforcement. I'm a firefighter and a paramedic, and I do SRT to help as a volunteer. In my area, it is pretty rare to use SRT, usually only in drug busts and such. We had a standoff with a

The jerking off of cop culture? The idea that Police should be militarized? The idea that no matter what the criminals should be shot, rather than actually arrested? I think it has all of those things, which battlefield 4 does not.