My first thought was using this with the PS2 game Kinetica. I agree with others that a chest and stomach support seems neccessary.
My first thought was using this with the PS2 game Kinetica. I agree with others that a chest and stomach support seems neccessary.
This is a favorite movie scene of mine. Just classic. This isn't the whole opening scene, but it give you a good taste. I like it more so for my cinema hero Woody Strode, a true action hero. (For those who don't know, he's the Black cowboy) His most famous movie scene may have been the gladiator fight with Kirk…
"Think you're going to like killing, boy?" asked the old man on double crutches.
Hey, that looks familar.
I never spent much time in PS Home, but I thought the Sodium2: Project Velocity racer was good. With the Wipeout series being discontinued, Project Velocity would be a good free-to-play game for futuristic racing fans.
Good points made in this post. But one thing to mention, the original Thundercats pictured were not a saturday morning show, but syndicated afternoon one. The new updated version may have been. Please allow me to be picky, I worked on the original T'Cats.
My old Dog, Maggie (RIP), also loved eating the orange Nerf darts. I think she thought they were baby carrots, which we like to give her are healthy treats. The orange pieces in the poop made backyard clean up easier.
I was one of the original art crew on Galaxy Rangers. I actually was lucky enough to buy a GR action figure in Paris, France, just by chance. To be honest the production was a mess, but we had fun working on it.
Dark Horse Comic published six issues of Nathan Never back in the late 90's. You might find in comic shops or online.
I must be in the extreme minority, because I like the title "Edge of Tomorrow". I think it fits a Sci-Fi film. Think about it, "edge" meaning "cutting edge" as in technology, advancement, etc. ,"tomorrow" as in future. It's that simple for me. The title "Live, Die, Repeat" sounds like a vampire, zombie movie. …
Thanks for the Gargoyles love. It's nice to see it's still held in high regard. ( I was a co-producer and director on the show second season)
I back you up on that. Miracle Whip is a must for my deviled eggs.
Thanks for remembering Exosquad. I worked on the series a co-producer.
As impressive as this design is, it not original. oggcraft had this on youtube five years ago.
How about the Killzone 2 E3 2005 trailer.
It's the Hydro Blitz. It been discontinued and not sold anymore.