
Aren’t New Yorkers unhappy with DiBlasio? I feel like this isn’t a great endorsement.

It Dun Dun but drawn out.

Do you have stats for that? This seems completely made up.

What would you expect someone who has zero control of what prisons do to do about?

You are right, but I would imagine good looking “green 18 year olds” would fall into a big risk category.

He’d have to change his last name.

Yeah, I was invited to her friend’s wedding. I broke up with my ex before I had to make that trip, but it was a year out after I knew she cheated a bunch.

I think this is pretty standard. In general, friends from high school are always worse (unless your high school was bigger than your college). You have limited choices. I realize might high school friends are worse than my college friends, but I have a longer history of ridiculous fun shit we did when we were in high

Yeah. There is a difference between nice people you’d rather not hang out with and people you hate. For instance, my ex used to invite me on double dates with her roommate. Unfortunately, one time I met her roommate’s boyfriend, and the other time, I met her roommate’s fiance. It was awkward. On the other hand, her

What if, they are both good and it turns out you are the shitty one?

I mean, online threats are either a serious issue or they aren’t.

I mean, threatening to assault someone, then telling them you aren’t a serious threat isn’t a real thing. He threatened the guy. Twice. You don’t have to “feel” threatened, when someone actually threatens you. You have been threatened at that point.

I’ve never posted a rape gif. I have never met any of these people. It’s weird, because I consider you to be a troll. I genuinely answer most questions posed. Also, I post on almost every article, so do you, so yes I will be there when racism is a topic. I will also be there when stupid customers are a topic and for

How do you easily restrain two students? I could imagine easily restraining one student, but how do you restrain two?

God damnit Derrick, you’ve been in those mines for a day. Try 25 years.

To be fair, I do some of my best thinking on the john.

Orlove might be made of steel though. Dude has lived through a bunch of high speed car wrecks.

On the plus side, they are confirming that it isn’t real and that it is a hoax.

Because there hasn’t been a Baltimore Mayor with a good success of anything in the past 50 years.

Probably safer because that guy is on leave?