
PG county is just glad the news ins’t shooting related.

Snark is the great equalizer here at Gawker Media. Racists use it. Feminists use it. Trolls use it. MRAs use it. The only people who don’t are the fuckin’ new guys/gals/gender neutral identifier that you choose.

Yeah, both groups have employed bomb threats. It is not good for anyone just trying to enjoy SXSW.

Because both sides of the argument regularly threaten violence and one will call a bomb threat and the other will do so in kind and then they won’t be able to use the venue for any events. They both have a history of this when the other group gets together.

I’d imagine that would only steel his heart. Her videos don’t help make her seem likeable.

Maybe those are his opinions.

I mean resisting is super broad. Non-violent resistance (ie willfully disobeying a lawful order while posing no danger to anyone) shouldn’t be met with heavy handed violence. I would still consider it resistance.

At my school, it was the easy job for old guys who were about to retire. They were super chill unless there was a fight. Then they jumped into action.

I am serious in that it is a great introduction to real politics. This is almost exactly how Washington works if you were to treat the Machine as a lobby group. Also, self regulation was awesome. We never did anything particularly scandalous, but it allowed people to drink liquor in their rooms (which the school said

This is smart. Kids are learning the realities of politics early. Since a small portion of the school actually cares enough to vote, it is relatively easy for a special interest group to do what they want because nobody else really cares. At my school, we had a way less formal version of this, but basically we elected

Jesus, that is brutal. We had almost no homework, and when we did, I finished the majority of it the day of or in study hall.

You had more or less homework than that a night? I took all the APs and beyond the occasional paper, I never had more than an hour of work outside school.

When I was a mover, we once moved what the owner described as a $400,000 rug. The owner was a miserable person.

That’s a bummer, I was hoping it was like donating plasma so I could just go to sleep.

Haven’t really gone full cycle yet. As someone with kidney disease, I am just hoping we figure out the solution before I need some new kids.

I like the idea of having to opt out of organ donation on your license. I also like the idea of organ donation acting as a minor credit for traffic violations. Like you could get one free speeding ticket or parking ticket for having organ donation on your license.

You can. I have a friend who drinks a lot with one kidney. She is fun.

I’d drop up to $50K to buy one in the US.

I already have a fix then, as part of your purchase, you are responsible for getting insurance for that individual.

Good luck with everything!