
She’s likely of the “well-heeled-Manhattan-Jewish” set. “Oh - THEY have a golden Lamborghini? I WANT TWO!”

Is she Jewish? Does anyone know? I mean, that might at least explain the “class envy” part amitite? “Well if the GOLDBERGS have a golden Lamborghini, I need to have one too!!!!!!!”

“The question, of course, is why Arnold felt Holtzclaw deserved a more rounded portrait in the first place.”

I think it would be simplistic and moronic to assume that because the US media is obsessed with “racist” stories that the exact same shit isn’t happening in the UK or other European countries. Putting cases under a blanket isn’t any better, in most cases it’s worse.

Your attempt to portray American men as simpleton-racists falls flat on a number of fronts. First off, there are major cultural differences between LA and New York City alone from a RACIAL standpoint, especially when you throw in regional cities like Atlanta vs Boston vs New Orleans. In otherwords, the United States

They just gave this guy 263 years in prison - does that sound like “accepting him into the Police Golf Club” to you?

Get it? AnaLOG pics!?!?

Actually I’d say she looks like your stereotypical LA/Vegas self-centered ME girl. The fact she promotes herself and her ‘brand’ with sexualized-imagery and then acts like she’s above the fray, and is giving a moral lecture about “respecting women??!” Emily needs to stop resorting to showing her tits and ass all over