Den McHenry

There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.

Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it's realistic or not.

Not gonna lie. "Direction Rian Johnson" is a great fucking nickname.

I've never heard of Scandal, but that's the worst response to the outing. Thousands of readers and buzz and controversy … for a show called Scandal? Ball dropped, gang.

Nerds waiting for CD are laughed at by nerds waiting for vinyl.

"I owe no sense of loyalty to you whatsoever. 100% of the gratitude should come from your end. Good luck in gouging someone for your fucking drums and don’t ever fucking bother me again.

— Alright, rock and roll!
— This news does not rock.
— Maybe not.


Huffington Post:
"Lucille Ball's Hair was WHAT Color?!"

Walter White's CANCER to be removed from an Albuquerque LUNG after local complaints.

Liked for taste and class.

"I am the one who knocks … over other people's headstones to get a better look at a fake one that has no real connection to show."

How's Annie?

"… But wait, guys. Wait, wait, wait! Here's the clincher. You ready? You remember how I said she wrote self-help books? Well, here it is: (*hoo boy!*) … HER LIFE IS A MESS!"

First time I got sad on Instagram, I was like, 'Oh no!,' but then I was like, 'This is an AV Club story.”

Alice Munro master of cuntempry short story.

I can't sit upon a game. (doo doo, do do doo game thrones throny games, game a gamey thrones) I can't even play a throne. (game throne a throny, game a gamey thrones, throne a throny games) But I can sit upon this game of thrones. (in the throne room, in the game of thrones, throny throne throne in the throny game

Ha! Pervy rake …

You know, everyone has problems; it doesn't mean you have to be a little crybaby about it.