Den McHenry


Definitely. I think this was, in a way, the return of "Big Cheddar." Jeff and Shirley have a history of tension, rivalry, and humble bonding. I don't think season four did anything with the arc of their friendship, but, then again, it was a gas leak year.

If he had his druthers the show would be called "The Paul Sit. Comkins."

I think the opening scene that set up the conflict is more significant than you realize. Jeff didn't tell or invite Shirley because he knows that she has a prior obligation and values her family. He understands her, he cares about her. He knows what she does with her kid every Tuesday night. No one sees it that way

This sounds a lot more like a Ben Gibbard song than the album version. I guess it's lackluster if luster is tempo and overproduction.

No one cares enough to even be snarky about this. :(

And the Wire was another cop show.

Yeah, but … Guillermo del Toro.

They are also calling George, Washington "Seattle." It's a three hour trip, man! I don't want to camp out in the desert like some hippie. In a tux. In August. !!!

I misread the tweet that led me here, thinking it was Rand Paul's thoughts on the above. I was hoping to read that the meltdown was complete.

The Dingo Warrior ate your baby.

Do you like rock and roll music? 'Cuz I don't know if I do.

Poor guy only has three comments!

And the colored girls go …

So when teen boys come out of the closet, do they stop liking Katy Perry?

Nothing says as much as hesitation and volume: pausing before saying 'black' or lowering your voice to say it? You're not only wrong, but you know that you're wrong.

The most important question about Kevin Fennell remains this: what is the "J Mascis 'who gives a fuck' story?"

Slow down, pal: there's only One Direction.

In reality the difference in the scripts comes to how many times the hero says, "WOOOOH!"