Den McHenry

Who will be filling in for the role of Jesse Pinkman's hairline?

Apropos of nothing, I want to see a mash-up called Freaks and Leaps where Sam Weir jumps through time aided by the hologram of Al Calavicci. Okay. I'm going to draw that.

An Alan Smithee film?

It's hard to be rich and famous and still write like a teenager, you guys!

Which one will be dominated by a love affair that no one cares about, I wonder?

Say what you will about Judd Apatow, but I say the man is ApaTALENTED! At any rate, he's got big two things going for him:

The conceit of the show is that Kevin Hart's boyhood friend, Daryl "Bob" Roberts, is a working stiff who keeps in touch with him, keeps him grounded, and provides him with material from his so-funny-you-can't-make-it-up family life. One running gag is that no one believes him when he says he grew up with Kevin Hart,

You saying Tonto doesn't range?

We're finally here.
And shit, yeah, it's cool. And shouldn't it be?

What's the big dael? I mean you say Juses, I say Jesus. You say Aboma, I say Obama …

So you noticed Tatiana's accent FIRST. Well played, if subtle.

Google is your friend
Chapel Hill. Eve.

The less you open your heart to others,
the more your heart suffers.