
Confirmation. But seriously Ive always believed kris is a witch and the kardashians are some kind of coven which is why my hate has always been pretty minimal.

That first story is the creepiest shit I’ve read...

Literally JUST followed her yesterday! How I love ms tina, she and blue boo are my favorites!

Wait, leggings and a stretched out t-shirt aren't chic? With a messy bun and big sunglasses, I'm going for just-got-off-runway-photoshoot-art-direction-im-too-important-and-don't-own-colors look.


She is black...and white. Can't include one without the other. Thanks for being late to the party.

Funny story. My friend just went natural two months ago, cut all her hair off and I told her the same thing. But that was after she also tried to dye it platinum from the box and it turned bright orange.

I was actually really shocked shes single. Savanah this morning (yes i watch it while fixing my breakfast) made some snide comment about "three kisses is good luck for marriage, thats for you Tamron"

Aww thanks for caring! I'm pretty much the black woman you work with and you are all my white co-workers. They are constantly praising my huge curls but sometimes you just wanna fit in. I'm learning to love them tho and forcing myself not to straighten for the entire summer.

I just went to Guy's Times square restaurant two weeks ago. He fries his "Vegas fries" four times. Yep.

I'm sitting and having an amusing conversation actually. Why are you so mad to be called biracial?

You make absolutely no sense. And I'm not resorting to personal attacks though I could. If you can't see how white people have defined what is black in this country, I can't help you see the forest for the trees.

I understand you were ready to fight for Zendaya's blackness from the get, and you made your point, but for a more succinct argument on this topic you should really check out clutch's article on this topic. You don't have to follow it, just a tip.

I don't hate them just because I'm calling them biracial. How did you jump to that conclusion?

Because you're biracial.

I'm light

So Lupita can play Queen Elizabeth then? Hollywood allows that?

